
From the same group that did last year's 'trigger warning wall.'


Israel’s ambassador to the US launched a scathing attack on the Southern Poverty Law Center in a speech Tuesday.


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To protect Americans against “fake” news, Facebook will now use filters so that only “reputable” articles can appear at the top of users’ trending news stories.


The Latest on President-elect Donald Trump (all times local):


The 'fact' 'checkers' chosen to review information people post to Facebook will likely deride as fake information that is actually not fake in any way.


Left-wing Democratic leaders Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Democratic National Committee chair candidate Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., are seeking to rebuild a party that has been left in shambles by the Obama presidency. The Democrats have lost majorities in the House and Senate and been obliterated by the Republicans at the state and local level since Obama assumed office in 2009. In a speech this week to progressive activists at a rally for Ellison's candidacy to lead the Democratic National Committee, Ellison and Sanders both said the party needed new leadership and noted that it had declined during recent years. Clearly, whatever the leadership of the Democratic Party has been doing over the last many years has failed, and we need fundamental change, Sanders said. Ellison has as his main competition is Labor Secretary Tom Perez, who joined the campaign on Thursday.


The Republican “faithless elector,” who made headlines across the country when he wrote a blistering op-ed pledging not to vote for President-elect Trump in the Electoral College, is now under scrutiny himself after his claim to have been a first responder on 9/11 has been questioned by a local news outlet.


President Barack Obama vowed in an NPR interview on Thursday that the U.S. will respond to Russian cyberattacks that some in the intelligence community believe to have occurred to influence the U.S. presidential election.


According to HeatStreet, two female Black Lives Matter activists are raking in the dough after starting a business that offers a subscription service “to guilt-ridden white ‘allies’ who pay a monthly fee to be sent instruction on how to support their movement.” Their names are Leslie Mac and Marissa Jenae Johnson, and they rose to prominence after storming the mic at a Bernie Sanders Rally in Seattle last year. With just a little bit of recognition, the pair has managed to sucker 300 customers, they claim, to send them money every month.


Students added his name to a list of "individuals of color" allegedly wrongly killed by law enforcement officers over the past two months.


Progressives misread Hamilton to overrule democratic norms, the Wall Street Journal writes in an editorial.


A prominent gay-rights activist and former U.S. presidential candidate hopes to build “the biggest, loudest and most comprehensive” legal case ever mounted for revoking the tax-exempt status of the Mormon church. Republican political operative Fred ...


"There are few if any incentives for intelligence whistleblowers to report problems through designated authorities when the IG of [the] NSA is found to have retaliated against such an individual."


Electors are being harassed, intimidated, and in some instances threatened with death, to coerce them to change their votes.


The minimum wage is supposed to help entry-level workers, right? So why do many young people lose their jobs when the minimum wage is raised? Watch this short video to find out.


President Obama ? who tried to ?reset? relations with Russia, failed to act when that country annexed part of Ukraine, and sat by as President Vladimir Putin colluded with America…


New evidence has come to light upon a 5 year investigation on Barack H. Obama's supposed birth certificate. What do you guys make of it? Let me know in the c...


UPDATE: Responding on Reddit today, Chris Suprun said he worked as a firefighter in Dale City, Virginia on September 11, 2001. But there's no listing for Dale City on his publicly available and comprehensive LinkedIn résumé. In September 2001, according to Suprun's LinkedIn résumé, he was employed by the Manassas Park, Virginia fire department. Suprun also does not list being a firefighter in Dale


During a press conference today, President Barack Obama criticized reporters for their coverage of the leaked Democratic National Committee emails.


In October, the US Intelligence Community, which includes 16 American intelligence agencies, announced that they were “confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations.” Controversy broke out last week over the disputed conclusion that the Russians were attempting to push Donald Trump to victory, as opposed to attempting to undermine the electoral sy


With fewer than 40 days remaining as first lady, Michelle Obama is continuing to reflect on the legacy she and President Obama will leave after having occupied the White House for the last eight ye…