
A Russian reporter named Andre challenged President Obama's leadership Thursday, running down a list of problems that have worsened on Obama's watch, including relations with Russia and racial tensions in America. "Does he feel any responsibility for all this?" the reporter asked.


Before Blaming Russia, Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Conspired to ‘Elevate’ Trump


Barack Obama has vowed to take retaliatory measures against Russia, both public and covert, accusing Moscow of compromising the “integrity” of the US elections through the DNC email hacks. US intelligence has yet to provide any evidence of Russian involvement.


U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch stated Thursday that the United States intelligence community has not found any evidence of "technical interference" on the part of the Russian government on votin


While the Democratic National Comittee and Hillary Clinton campaign were successfully hacked by Russian hackers during the 2016 election, The Wall Street


The organization partnered with Facebook to help determine whether a certain story is “disputed” is financed by billionaire George Soros.


“Hope is necessary. It’s a necessary concept,” Michelle Obama said.


The wealthy Democrats who helped pump over $1 billion into Hillary Clinton’s losing effort want answers.


Being a cynical sellout is a good way to get rich. But it's not a good way to win elections for a left-leaning party.


The Trump administration has now announced its ambassador to Israel: David Friedman, a serious conservative on Israel who has said he will be a “rock-solid partner” for the Benjamin Netanyahu administration.


According to Reuters, China’s navy has now seized an “unmanned, underwater US Navy vehicle in international waters of South China Sea.” The Obama administration has been absolutely inept with regard to checking Chinese territorial ambitions in the South China Sea – by destroying our naval capacity, Obama has opened up the region for serious Chinese aggression.
Here’s CNN:


Risitas explains why Hillary Clinton won the polls but, lost the election My thoughts on the 2016 election results… SJWS GOT REKT America woke up Wednesday t...


The Left wish-casts Lena Dunham as the Amazonian superhero rather than Lynda Carter or Gal Gadot, because priorities or something.


Hillary Clinton was spotted arriving at New York's Plaza Hotel on Thursday night to host her holiday party for the deep-pocketed donors who helped fund her failed bid for the White House.


The best weird news site. Weird news happening around the world.


The sister of the Muslim teen who lied about being harassed to avoid parental punishment for breaking curfew posted a Facebook rant blaming the NYPD and the media for her sister’s lies. Sara Seweid…


While their peers are petitioning for campuses to be declared safe spaces for illegal immigrants, some UNLV students are taking the opposite approach.


'Dear Colleague' letters on sexual assault and harassment are conspicuously missing from regulation hit list.


Rex is known to sing the praises of this oil theocracy.


Democratic panic about Russian disinformation neglects to mention that it was the White House that refused to stop it


The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday


Thursday evening, Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald appeared on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show. In a disgraceful performance which has to be seen to be believed, the obviously battle-prepped Eichenwald made an utter fool of himself. Apparently aware (or made aware) of how awful he was, he attempted to defend himself later Thursday in a 40-plus tweetstorm. It didn't help matters; the tweets were gone by 10 p.m.


Economist Paul Krugman explains how the United States is becoming an oligarchy - the very system our founders revolted against. Visit the Bill Moyers site to...


Bill O'Reilly said tonight that the liberal media's "hatred" of President-elect Donald Trump is getting out of control.