
Six years ago, Newsweek sold for a grand total of one dollar. Many would say that amount was way overpriced and one big reason is the completely unprofessional sick smear job they are pulling on Donald Trump. An example is an article written by their culture writer Ryan Bort who makes no attempt to hide his Trump hate. Bort uses a timeline of very bad years to exhibit his Trump Derangement Syndrome which is so far gone as to even include Trump in regards to the Bubonic Plague in the year 1347.


A local West Virginia official is apparently set to return to work this month after being suspended from her job over a racist Facebook post about first lady Michelle Obama. Pamela Taylor, director of the Clay County Development Corporation, was temporarily dismissed from her job in November after she


NBC Sports reported Monday that the Army-Navy game saw a 10% spike in viewers and was the highest rated Army-Navy ...


My thoughts and experiences of The Red Pill's Melbourne premiere, Sunday November 6th, 2016. Some pics & videos I took at the event. I made this right when I...


The unsolicited "Step away from your Twitter account" advice Donald Trump is constantly receiving needs to be turned around on certain members of the media. One such person would be Kurt Eichenwald at Newsweek — except, as will be seen later, the magazine apparently lets him intemperately and obsessively tweet at will. In claiming that Donald Trump's victory rally audience in Iowa began booing at the mention of John Glenn, the first American astronaut to orbit the earth who died on Thursday.


1791L - An independence collective ✖ Twitter https://twitter.com/1791L ✖ Facebook https://facebook.com/1791L ✖ Personal Twitter https://twitter.com/jesuaflor...


After television news (and his own newspaper) spent the last eight years praising Barack Obama and defending him against GOP attacks, there’s a Republican about to take office and suddenly it’s high time for journalists to get tough on politicians. That’s the gist of New York Times media reporter Jim Rutenberg’s latest Mediator column “TV News Must Pull No Punches For Trump." Rutenberg praised ABC’s George Stephanpopoulos and Martha Raddatz, two of the most notorious purveyors of Hillary hagiography and anti-Trump vituperation during the 2016 campaign.


Democrats are over the moon about the new Washington Post report that quotes CIA sources who say that Vladimir Putin and the Russian government actively attempted to aid Donald Trump in his election race against Hillary Clinton. Many Democrats have been making the claim that if not for Putin’s intervention – if not for Russian hackers accessing emails from Hillary campaign chief John Podesta and then releasing them via WikiLeaks for months – Hillary Clinton would today be the president-elect.
There’s no evidence to support that.


Despite left-wing "fake news," there is no evidence from the CIA investigation that Russian hackers actually distorted the voting process.


They’re not tolerating Islam at all. China's even gone as far as to...


The former Texas governor met with Trump Monday about the position


The overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced a CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election, three American officials said on Monday.


Hackers have targeted hundreds of key people with "spearphishing" attacks on their private email accounts.


According to a columnist at USA Today on Monday, the battle over fake news shows that liberals think “the electorate is divided between smarts and stupids.” Michael Wolff offered a look at how both sides view the phenomena of deliberately false stories. After noting that Buzzfeed argued that “conservatives were more receptive to fake news than liberals,” he explained, “ This, of course, largely confirmed the basic liberal view that the electorate is divided between smarts and stupids.”


So a month after the feigned apologies for getting it all wrong, the media has telegraphed clearly their anti-Trump strategy for the next four years. Perhaps a review is instructive at this point.


The women at The View had a collective meltdown on Monday’s show after hearing ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson was Donald Trump’s rumored choice for Secretary of State. Discussing Tillerson’s ties with Russia and the news from the CIA that Russians may have been trying to influence the election, the panel wondered aloud if Trump had anything to do with the hacking.Whoopi Goldberg emphatically agreed that Clinton wouldn’t have lost the election if the DNC hadn’t been hacked, while Joy Behar speculated why Russia found no dirt on the RNC. An exasperated Behar blamed Trump for “encouraging” the hacking and demanded he “step down” before the inauguration.


As skepticism over Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States give way to Trumpmania, this stock market’s thundering charge is well placed to turn into the best postelection rally since 1929.


In the same December 19 Time issue that declared Donald Trump an “outlandish” “demagogue,” columnist Joe Klein seriously praised Barack Obama for having “absolutely no hint of scandal” during his eight years as President. In a fawning article titled “Amazing Grace,” the journalist ignored the IRS targeting of conservatives, the terrible conditions at Barack Obama’s Veterans Affairs, Benghazi, Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal while his Secretary of State, to name a few scandals.


The overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced a CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election, three American officials said on Monday.


The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! So much of the current frothing over Donald Trump’s alleged “secret” alliance with Vladimir Putin resonates for a simple reason: the Cold War


Lately, there has been a great deal of petty bickering going on between libertarians and members of the alt-right. This turf war is being waged primarily through social media, and much of the time, it is centered around disputes on contentious issues such as multiculturalism and open borders. Instead of arguing about the specifics of these nuanced issues and further dividing the two factions, libertarians and members of the alt-right should find common cause against on their extremely dangerous, increasingly deranged, and virulently statist enemies of the political left. The Impact of the Alt-Right At the current moment, the alt-right is emboldened by their perceived success. Whether true or not, they have given themselves credit for memeing Donald Trump into the White House. Based on the media coverage of their exploits, it is hard to disagree with this assessment. Hillary Clinton read Alex Jones’ conspiracy theories and ridiculous headlines penned by Milo Yiannopoulos at live events during the height of campaign season. Her campaign actually released an?


Donald Trump has blundered into a diplomatic quagmire by the simple act of taking a phone call of congratulation from the President of Taiwan. It is quite possible that Mr Trump and the staff managing his transition to the presidency – he will be inaugurated in 38 days’ time – were unaware of the niceties.


"Trump was interviewing Mitt Romney for Secretary of State in order to..."