
The president-elect’s three eldest children have always interwoven family and business ties. Can their empire ever be separate from the White House?


TUNISIAN security forces discovered 160 terror cells as the number of jihadists in the holiday destination nearly doubles.


Academia is changing, and not necessarily for the better.


It appears kids are learning more at public school than some parents have bargained for. Time to homeschool? Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016


Many are saying that the fund raising efforts for the presidential recount is a waste of money and a down right scam. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016


SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory on Monday conceded the state's contested gubernatorial race to Democrat Roy Cooper, almost four weeks after the Nov. 8 election that many viewed as a referendum on a law limiting transgender bathroom rights.


As graduation tents go up on campuses around the country, some are claiming that the tent of American higher education is not big enough. Citing an apparent shortage of conservative professors, critics charge that universities look nothing like the rest of the country, and they urge reform of hiring practices to correct for political imbalance. Though this proposal merits consideration, it rests on two basic misunderstandings.


Baby It?s Cold Outside, that long-classic Christmas tune perhaps most famously covered by Dean Martin and replayed thousands of times during each holiday season, is now being called a rape anthem by the far-left AffinityMagazine: Baby It’s Cold Outside is Actually A Song About Rape: https://t.co/KDV0IwtwSr pic.twitter.com/QHijoLtq3o ? Affinity Magazine (@TheAffinityMag) December 4, 2016


All global temperature data sets confirm that global temperature has fallen rapidly in recent months as the recent El Nino ended. Guest essay by Dr David Whitehouse, The GWPF Science Editor Over th…


To answer that simple question, we must know which spectrum? While many think in terms "left vs. right," the concept is broad and usually viewed through the prism of the issues closest to one's heart. Libertarians position political beliefs on a grid where one axis represents personal freedom and another represents economic freedom. Even then, our answer will vary if we evaluate protecting religious freedom or the right to life as opposed to our view on American involvement overseas. Issues don't always fit so neatly.


Democrats are trying to build Obama's legacy on the lie: “The president is handing his successor an economy that’s now the envy of the world.”


President-elect Donald Trump met on Monday with Al Gore -- one of the most vocal advocates of fighting climate change.


Bill Clinton said this in 1995 and got a STANDING OVATION. Trump says it in 2016 and he is a "racist"?


The media have gone predictably insane over the story that a 28-year-old nutjob walked into Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington, D.C. with a shotgun and fired one blast before being arrested. What drove Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, North Carolina to attempt assault with a deadly weapon? He said that he came to perform an investigation into #PizzaGate, a completely fictional conspiracy theory about a child sex ring led by top Democrats.


High taxes have chased private companies away from upstate New York and enabled corruption.


As the NFL continues to expand its presence in England, it may have an owner there on a full-time basis. The New York Post reports that Jets owner Woody Johnson is under consideration for the position of ambassador to the United Kingdom. Johnson, who supported President-Elect Donald Trump, is a “leading contender” for the position,…


After deploying the full force of federal carrot-and-stick to threaten, wheedle and cajole Carrier into keeping 1,000 jobs in Indiana, Donald Trump took to Twitter to threaten another company over the weekend:
Rexnord of Indiana is moving to Mexico and rather viciously firing all of its 300 workers. This is happening all over our country. No more!


Hardly a news cycle passes without another phony controversy conjured by the left in a flailing effort to discredit Donald Trump before he takes office. The latest mock-outrage du jour stems from Trump's inexplicable refusal to observe the subtleties of diplomatic protocol by taking a phone call from another world leader without first getting it vetted through a State Department still run by the outgoing president of the opposing party. Such indelicacies can cause many a sleepless night for career diplomats. Have you no shame, Mr. President-elect?!


The media have gone predictably insane over the story that a 28-year-old nutjob walked into Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington, D.C. with a shotgun and fired one blast before being arrested. What drove Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, North Carolina to attempt assault with a deadly weapon? He said that he came to perform an investigation into #PizzaGate, a completely fictional conspiracy theory about a child sex ring led by top Democrats.


Guest post by Joe Hoft What’s Going On? Donald Trump lost 16,648 votes in Pennsylvania in the last week – ...


After deploying the full force of federal carrot-and-stick to threaten, wheedle and cajole Carrier into keeping 1,000 jobs in Indiana, Donald Trump took to Twitter to threaten another company over the weekend:
Rexnord of Indiana is moving to Mexico and rather viciously firing all of its 300 workers. This is happening all over our country. No more!


2016 has been a year of immense upheaval and change in Western politics.


The Gateway Pundit In late 2004 I started The Gateway Pundit blog after the presidential election. At that time I ...


Anderson Cooper Shuts Down Elizabeth Warren --- 'No Evidence' Steve Bannon Is a White Supremacist


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