Green Party candidate Jill Stein and Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace engaged in a pretty combative exchange today while discussing Stein's recount efforts.
Nancy Pelosi: I Don't Think Democrats 'Want A New Direction'
AN SAS sniper has picked off his 100th Islamic State militant during fighting for the Iraqi city of Mosul.
The president-elect’s threat to punish “sanctuary cities” has prompted officials to examine just what federal money could be lost.

The Violent Left: Trump Rallies

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Compilation of violence perpetrated by the political left toward Trump supporters. They harass and assault women, children, and any normal folk who do not vo...
On CNBC, Steven Mnuchin outlined a very interesting tax plan in which the bulk of tax cuts would go to middle-income households and no aggregate tax cut for the upper class. Problem is, that bears no resemblance to any of the multiple plans that Donald Trump proposed during the campaign.
If we’re going to uphold free speech, we need to be consistent.
One can exaggerate the degree of liberty in America before the 20th-century sprint of interventionism. (I have sinned myself.) One form of widespread government intervention in 19th-century America…
The core platform for the Federalist Party is to dramatically reduce the size and overreach of the federal government, returning powers to the states to produce the original intent of the Constitution: checks and balances between equally powerful states and the federal governments. We abandoned the confederation of states in favor of the Constitution republic because our founding fathers saw the need for equivalent centralized strength, but the 10th Amendment has essentially been abandoned for the last century to give the centralized government way too much influence on issues that shouldn't reside in their purview.
The death of Fidel Castro reminds us that the respectable press has been peddling “fake news” about Cuba & Castro for 60 years.
Have you heard the news that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote?
On Friday, conservative attorney Cleta Mitchell said that Barack Obama has behaved more like a dictator than a president. In addition, she stated that Donald Trump should first focus on restoring the rule of law. At

The Hunt for Hil - SNL

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Two investigators (Beck Bennett, Kyle Mooney) search for Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) in the woods of Chappaqua. Get more SNL: http://www.nbc.com/saturday...
Four staff members have resigned from a southeastern Oklahoma veterans facility rather than face the possibility of getting fired, after a resident was found to have maggots in a wound.
Multiple DC sources have confirmed to GotNews that an effort to give Democrats control of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for months into Trump’s presidency is actually being led by Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell himself. McConnell has reached an agreement with President Barack Obama and Democratic Senator Harry Reid to trade away control …
Robert Z. Lawrence argues that, contrary to a widespread perception of lagging wage growth, constant dollar labor compensation for all US workers has kept pace with output when appropriately measured from 1970 to 2000, and perhaps to as late as 2008.
President-elect Trump is adhering to the what he made clear throughout the presidential campaign: that he will be open to talking to foreign leaders who want good relations with the U.S.
Democrats hope to highlight positions held by cabinet nominees that are inconsistent with Donald J. Trump’s campaign promises and paint them as untrustworthy.
“Why is this phenomenon of cutting off contact with friends and relatives so one-sided?”
Khalid Sheik Mohammed, one of the masterminds in the 9/11 attack, said that “the ferocity and swiftness” of former U.S. President George W. Bush’s reprisal to the Terrorst attacks on U.S. soil astonished Al Qaeda The
Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein?s recount attempts have been at the center of a vicious and fraudulent campaign to try and over turn the election results. She wants to change the election results in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.  She is simply unable to accept that Donald Trump is the winner, and Stein has been ?
Whoopi Goldberg can't seem to let the election results go. On The View, Whoopi related race to the recent presidential election. Whoopi discussed CNN's Van Jones remarks about how “white lash” from white voters contributed to Hillary Clinton’s defeat. That is when her co-host, Jedediah Bila took...
Roger Pielke Jr., writes that his research was attacked by thought police in journalism, activist groups funded by billionaires and even the White House.
The woman in the video can not contain her excitement when she finds out she has been approved for government assistance. She looks like she won the lottery.