
I’m lucky enough to know Gen. James Mattis slightly. Just well enough to trust him unreservedly with our military and our nation’s security. The president-elect could not choose a better man to be …


CNN hack Brian Stelter went after Donald Trump again on Sunday vowing to lable the president-elect as an authoritarian. Wow. ...


Migrants allegedly sexually molested several girls at an annual event in Munich to which they had been invited by the city's mayor.


Big ratings night for Fox News, aided by its live broadcast of Trump's rally in Cincinnati. The president-elect spoke for close to an hour (7:47 - 8:40 p.m. ET.)


Edgar Maddison Welch, 28, told police he went to Comet Ping Pong to investigate "PizzaGate", a false online conspiracy theory involving Hillary Clinton.


Guest essay by Sheldon Walker A new website has been created, which offers a new perspective on global warming. The website is called ?mta-graphs.com? Temperature series like Gistemp or…


Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign did not fail as a result of its subscription to unpopular left-wing policies, said left-wing CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on Sunday’s GPS. As is his custom, his introductory monologue was a reading of his weekly column at left-wing news outlet The Washington Post.


Army Corps of Engineers will not grant the permit for the Dakota Access pipeline to drill under the Missouri river, handing a major win to environmental activists


The historic conversation apparently reflects the views of advisers urging a tough opening line with China.


The Connecticut Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on whether saying “I will hurt you” is a crime.


1791L - An independence collective ✖ Twitter https://twitter.com/1791L ✖ Facebook https://facebook.com/1791L ✖ Personal Twitter https://twitter.com/jesuaflor...


2016 had been a tough year for Taiwan, the jewel of an island nation that China views as an illegitimate breakaway province. In January, it elected a new president–a progressive female law professor who takes a decidedly dim view of the Communist tyranny a few hundred miles from Taiwan's shores. Mainland China, Taiwan's largest trading partner, was incensed by the Taiwanese people's daring to make a democratic decision—the temerity! And so it began a campaign of collective punishment.
Tourism from the mainland, a key source of revenue for Taiwan, was severely curtailed. And Taiwan was humiliated on the international stage repeatedly. First, at Beijing's behest, it was snubbed by ICAO. When the United Nations' aviation safety group met in Montreal earlier this year, Taiwan wasn't even allowed in as a guest. Then the democratic island of 23 million was given the cold shoulder by INTERPOL. When the global law enforcement group got together in November, Taiwan was shut out again. Despite its remarkable achievements—creating an open, prosperous country with a robust democratic political culture, all in the shadow of an aggressive tyranny hell-bent on reclaiming it—2016 saw Taiwan become, increasingly, a Rodney Dangerfield nation, commanding little to no respect on the global stage.


Late Saturday, the Green Party backed down from a move to force a recount of the 2016 election outcome within the State of Pennsylvania. The Associated Press re


Hawaii is bracing Sunday for another foot of snow, in addition to the 2 feet that landed on the island’s highest mountain peaks since Thursday, The Weather Channel reported.


A female student at Ohio State called the Hannity radio show this week and told Sean that the reaction to ...


Because it'll make them feel better. Or something.


Today we go back to JustLatasha for more racist liberal cancer but the twist this time is sh is responding to buzzfeeds 27 questions black people have for bl...


Karianne Solbrække, newly appointed editor of Norwegian news outlet TV2, was the girlfriend of radical jihadist Arfan Bhatti. Bhatti, among other things, was convicted as a co-conspirator in a shooting against a synagogue in Oslo. The relationship...


"... a dream to be someone to help his community ..."


The Army will not approve an easement that would allow the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline to cross under Lake Oahe in North Dakota, the Army's assistant secretary for civil works announced Sunday.


Actor Alec Baldwin says he'll …


"Saturday Night Live," back from …