Time for some traffic problems in Manhattan! City officials have intentionally ground Midtown to a halt with the hidden purpose of making drivers so miserable that they leave their cars at home and…
“To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” have been temporarily suspended after a parent complained.
Energy poverty hurts the poor more than is climate change
The Green Party was forced on Saturday to . . .
Saudi Arabia is downplaying the need for OPEC to cut production, citing hopes that U.S. oil demand will jump next year under the new Trump administration's plans to grow the economy.
Female students at two separate universities faced legal repercussions last month after they reported sexual assaults that police say never happened...
Thanks to revelations by WikiLeaks and Judicial Watch, the use of the Clintons of their foundation as their personal piggy bank has been exposed. By Bob Adelmann
Mitt Romney's chances for being secretary of State in a Trump administration are fading amid a deep division among President-elect Trump's team, and that is giving rise to dark horse candidate Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a foreign policy tough guy who once arm wrestled Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to insiders. The Trump cabinet executive committee is also eyeing long-time Republican diplomat John Bolton as deputy secretary of State, though there are some who prefer him in the top job. Representative Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., left, meets with U.S. soldiers during a congressional visit to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan Wednesday, April 3, 2002. The delegation, which was on a fact finding mission to Afghanistan, stopped at Bagram to express their support for U.S. troops in the field. (AP Photo/Greg Baker)
Retired American Delta Force hero Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin is applauding President-elect Donald Trump?s selection of retired U.S. Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis to be the next Secretary of Defense, and believes Mattis will do an excellent job of restoring the military to its original purpose and moving it away from the giant social experiment [?]
Supporters of the president-elect in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan are ramping up efforts to stop the election recounts in their tracks.
A song to comfort the poor, poor millennials who cried their eyes out at Hillary Clinton's campaign the night of the election. Image Source: Gage Skidmore/Flickr License: CC BY-SA 2.0
Zenefits CEO has reportedly been tapped by tech investor Peter Thiel to assist president-elect.
These last two days have been rough ones for students on many of America's cloistered college campuses. After it became apparent that Republican Donald Trump would win the 2016 presidential election,
At both Harvard and Columbia this fall we’ve seen how students who dare to privately act out against PC standards are inspiring crazed nuclear strikes from campus administrators. This disproportion…
Convention of States- What should you remember when drafting a constitutional amendment? Professor Natelson is a leading authority on a Convention of States. By Professor Rob Natelson Via i2i.org- …
Citing the $1 million bond required by the court, Stein's lawyer discontinued the request Saturday. Stein had raised nearly $7 million for recount efforts in three states.
Fellow Conservative: Democrats in Washington are in disarray. They suffered major losses in the 2016 elections and their bench of candidates is pretty thin. But they are going to try to fight their way back. They always do! Democrats were in a similar spot in 2004 after losing the White House and both the House and?
Compiling a list of reasons why Barack Obama is a terrible president seems like a project for a book rather than a column.
A recent paper by the Independent Women?s Forum found that (surprise! surprise! in my best Gomer Pyle voice) gender studies courses across the nation espouse a message from a skewed perspective.  They found it ?odd? that academia would teach something from such a slanted political view.  To cite one example, they discovered that students are taught marriage is a prison that women are tricked into | Read More
No U.S. president or president-elect is known to have spoken to a Taiwanese leader since 1979.
At least it's not Castro
Supporters of Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein withdrew a last-ditch lawsuit in Pennsylvania state court aimed at forcing a statewide recount citing the cost of the proceedings.
Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States and as such, he deserves our respect (yes, even if you’re a Democrat). As a…