
It shouldn’t be controversial to treat human corpses like human corpses.


Joining left-wing MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday, Democrat pollster and political strategist Cornell Belcher described the election of President-elect Donald Trump as a backlash by whites against a black president.


Ohio Attack Mimicked Palestinian Terror Tactics


One bad month of subscriber losses might have been considered a fluke, but two bad months in a row has to be setting off alarms at ESPN and parent company Disney. The once seemingly invincible sports juggernaut, which has exponentially increased its political posturing in the past several years, lost 621,000 subscribers a month ago, and shed another 555,000 during November (i.e., heading into December), according to Nielsen's December 2016 Cable Coverage Estimates ("monthly" reports are apparently issued on the closest Monday to the first of the month on four-week, four-week, five-week rotation).


RUSH: The left and the Democrats are continuing to spin out of control. They do not know what has happened to them. They are still blaming polls. Nate Silver is the latest target for the Democrats. Nate Silver didn't use the polling data correctly and misled Democrat voters. I mean, they're just... (laughing) Obama is out there; he's gone to Rolling Stone magazine to complain about fake news! Rolling Stone magazine just lost a lawsuit of something like $7 million about their fake rape story at the University of Virginia.


Reddit has identified “hundreds of the most toxic users,” and will take action against them — from warnings to permanent bans.


Any conversation about the alt-right and the internet always seems to spiral back to Reddit and /r/the_donald, a the unofficial water cooler for Trump supporters during the election and after it. U…


"This has to be a joke"...


?We have the most killer deal-makers? we never use them, I know many of them? these guys are brutal? hard? and Obama uses Kennedy in Japan, I mean give me a break̷…


The Republican Party of Wisconsin filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission on Wednesday that alleges Jill Stein is allowing her campaign to be


Reddit CEO Steve Huffman made an announcement today, stating that Reddit will take "a more aggressive stance against toxic users."


An online brawl over the definition of "white supremacy" provides a case study in how not to win friends and influence people.


Tweet me @MattConYT http://www.twitter.com/MattConYT Email me: [email protected] My podcast LIVE Sundays and Wednesdays at 9 PM ET http://bit.ly...


"California regulates cow farts. " Sounds about right.


What a contrast between a preening, self-important do-nothing vs Donald Trump who clearly stated we can and we WILL, begin the process of keeping American jobs in America. Here Barack Obama mocks such an idea. He is an elitist who cares nothing for the working men and women of this country, and attempts to ridicule …


The court has ruled the national anthem must be played in cinemas and everyone must stand. It said the decision would instill patriotism and nationalism.


"The newspaper is no longer the same, Charlie is now under artistic and editorial suffocation." — Zineb el Rhazoui, French-Tunisian intellectual and journalist, author of Destroying Islamic Fascism. "We must continue to portray Muhammad and Charlie; not


(This is Part 1 of a three-part series on revelations in the Carey case made by a Secret Service officer.) WASHINGTON – It?s one thing for a Secret Service officer to anonymously tell the media his agency is engaged in a cover-up over a deadly shooting. It?s quite another to go on the record publicly, [?]


Summary of S.1911 - 109th Congress (2005-2006): Flag Protection Act of 2005


A Moroccan state television channel has broadcast a tutorial showing women how to conceal the evidence of domestic violence with make-up, sparking fury within the country.


On Wednesday, BuzzFeed and Cosmopolitan magazine broke shocking news: home building family Chip and Joanna Gaines attend a church where the pastor – you won’t believe this – thinks that homosexuality is a sin. Here’s the Cosmo tweet:
Chip and Joanna Gaines's Pastor Preaches "Homosexuality is a Sin" https://t.co/0PHIehRECv pic.twitter.com/fJtkbTlruq


Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine said Monday he was saddened by the “senseless act of gun violence” at Ohio State University, even though the attacker used a butcher knife and a car.


President-elect Donald Trump is considering former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for secretary of Veterans Affairs, ABC News reported on Wednesday, citing unidentified sources.


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi defeated Ohio Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan to retain her post as the top elected Democrat in the House during a closed-door meeting Wednesday.