He starts petty fights on Twitter, he's cool with Putin, and when he takes the oath of office President Donald J. Trump will assume control of the most advanced internet surveillance system the world knows about.
Trump supporters also took to social media, pointing out that many politicians, including Hillary Clinton, had proposed making flag-burning illegal.
During his presidency, Obama has presided over the biggest losses for the Democratic Party since the early 1900’s but he ...
Former Mexico President Vicente Fox, who outspokenly expressed his views on President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border of Mexico and the U.S., is back. During an interview on the FOX Business Network’s Mornings with Maria, he compared Donald Trump to the deceased Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
At least one of Trump’s complaints makes some sense
Donald Trump has announced that he will "leave his business in total". The President-elect will give up his interests to focus on leading the US, he said. He didn't give any further detail about what would happen to the Trump Organization, though it is expected that it will pass on t his children in an arrangement that is still likely to draw criticism.
The mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks said al-Qaeda didn't launch a second wave of attacks because of 'the ferocity of George W. Bush’s response.'
A spokesperson for CAIR said that while 15% of Muslims do identify as Republican.

Nancy Pelosi’s Minority Party

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Republicans won three million more House votes than Democrats, the Wall Street Journal writes in an editorial.

Mornin Joe gives up.

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

1791L - An independence collective ✖ Twitter https://twitter.com/1791L ✖ Facebook https://facebook.com/1791L ☄ Written & produced by Jesua Flores https://twi...
The child’s mother is challenging a Minnesota law that allows a minor who is living alone to make his own health-care decisions, like amputating genitals.
If not a radical Islamist, perhaps an abortion zealot will do.
The enemy we continue to invite over en masse.
The battle for the courts has to go past filling Scalia’s seat.
--Donald Trump appears to be against the first amendment to the Constitution, tweeting that people who burn the American flag should lose their citizenship o...
Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein's running mate on Tuesday said he isn't in support of her election recount efforts. "I'm not in favor of the recount," Ajamu Baraka told CNN on Tuesday. Baraka said he told

Cruz Warns the GOP: Deliver or Else

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

No More Business As Usual Back in December 2014, not long after Republicans captured clear majorities in the House and Senate, Senator Ted Cruz took to the Senate floor to debate the pending omnibus spending bill in the lame-duck session of Congress. He called on the newly elected Republican Senators to make good on their…
A lot was made about recent comments from Donald Trump about flag burning. On Twitter, Trump proposed that there should be consequences for people who burn the America flag. Trump tweeted: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/803567993036754944 Many of the left... #hillaryclintonflagburning
Guest post by Joe Hoft Let the purge begin. Democrats are furious that Americans rejected their criminal, unethical, boring and ...
An internet talk-show host in Los Angeles lost any semblance of reason after the violent rampage of Somali-born Abdul Razak Ali Artan at Ohio State University in which eleven people were injured, one critically. Tariq Nasheed decried the public’s description of campus security officer Alan Horujko, who shot and killed Artan before he could harm any more students, as a hero.  
The Department of Health and Human Services is raiding several of its accounts, including money for Medicare, the Ryan White AIDS/HIV program and those for cancer and flu research to cover a shortfall in housing illegal youths pouring over the border at a rate of 255 a day. HHS is trying to come up with $167 million to fund the Office of Refugee Resettlement that is accepting the youths, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. Policy Director Jessica Vaughan said that insiders have told her that the funding crisis has forced the department to squeeze programs for money. She just revealed on the CIS website: An average of 255 illegal alien youths were taken into the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) every day this month, according to the latest figures the agency provided to Congress. This is the largest number of illegal alien children ever in the care of the federal government. To pay for it, the agency says it will need an additional one or two billion dollars for the next year – above and beyond the $1.2 billion spent in 2016 and proposed for 2017 – depending on how many more arrive. For now, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), where ORR resides, is diverting $167 million from other programs to cover the cost of services for these new illegal arrivals through December 9, when the current continuing resolution expires.
For the Democrats, no activity is immune from reflexive accusations of sexism and racism, not even soul-searching.
On Tuesday night, a judge in Wisconsin told Jill Stein's attorneys . . .
Romney did not comment on reports that he is under consideration to be secretary of State.
Video Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OibRT... "Facts don't care about your feelings." Ben Shapiro will be speaking on the freedom of speech, hate sp...