Population trends are working against the Republican Party — at least that’s what we’ve been told.But a combination of the 2016 presidential results and early looks at reapportionment after the 2020 census shows that the short-term changes may not be as dramatic as once believed.
A Charlotte police officer who shot and killed a black man at an apartment complex will not face charges a North Carolina prosecutor announced Wednesday.
Democrats intend to repeat the party’s failed strategies.
Carrier's announcement Tuesday that it will keep jobs in the United States hands Trump an enormous victory on a key campaign pledge before he has even taken office, raising the possibility that a Trump effect could prevent other companies from moving thousands of American jobs abroad.
The overall consumer-confidence index rose to 107.1 in November - the highest since 2007, according to data released Tuesday.
U.S. President Barack Obama is to send a more senior representative to the funeral of Communist dictator Fidel Castro than he did to the funeral of Margaret Thatcher.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has released a tally of alleged hate crimes and "hate incidents" in the wake of Donald Trump's electoral victory, and revealed a notable trend: The wave of alle
President-elect Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday he is leaving his multi-million dollar businesses to focus on being president – a change from comments he’s made in the past about being able to juggle both.
Pelosi defeated Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) in a closed-door vote to lead the House Democrats.
Donald Trump is down to his final four candidates in what's become a drama-filled search to serve as the real-estate magnate's secretary of state.
If appointed defense secretary, Mattis could help overcome the political correctness that prevents us from discussing Islamism.
Former Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein is expected to file a request for a recount in the state of Michigan, which could cost taxpayers upwards of $12 million.
Donald Trump pledged to drain the swamp. Thousands of Americans chanted that three-word phrase. His surrogates took to television to pledge that Trump would do the same. Trump’s latest moves do little to fulfill such pledges. In the past several days, Trump has done the following:
Trump is considering Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn for a senior administration job.
A post-election infographic from the Republican Party of Duval County raises more questions than it resolves about what happened on Election Day.
Quin Hillyer writes that Jeff Sessions, Trump’s pick for attorney general, spent a decade trying to fix disparities in drug sentencing.
Many Hillary Clinton voters have ceased communicating with friends, and even family members, who voted for Donald Trump. It is so common that The New York Times published a front-page article on the subject headlined, "Political Divide Splits Relationships -- and Thanksgiving, Too." The article begins with three stories:
Ms. Chao, as a former labor secretary and the wife of the Senate majority leader, has an establishment background at odds with the president-elect’s campaign.
People Who Laughed at Trump and said he would never be President Donald Trump Compilation. 'I never thought Trump would win': meet the Americans who chose no...
A CNN host used a segment on Islamophobia on Monday to suggest American non-Muslims may want to start wearing hijabs.
Ohio State University Assistant Director of Residence Life Stephanie Clemons Thompson may have urged sympathy for suspected Monday attacker Abdul Razak Ali Artan in a Facebook post. [caption id="
Just hours after President-elect Donald Trump tweeted that there "must be consequences" for burning the American flag, protesters set the stars and stripes ablaze outside Trump Tower.
The liberal media threw a proverbial hissy fit Monday in response to President-Elect Donald Trump’s dubious claim that millions of votes were cast illegally. While seeming pretend that Trump would be the first president ever to tell a lie, public-radio Bob Garfield went on a long winded tirade, on MSNBC’s All In, railing against the “Right wing media.” “The people who get it and we at the mainstream media, you know, get the straight dope but about half the electorate is getting their information from other sources, none credible,” he whined.
Wasn't one vapid pretty boy named Justin from Canada enough? At least Justin Bieber is eye candy without the heartburn. Justin Trudeau, on the other hand, is the twinkly-eyed boy toy who makes...