The “alt-right” movement complained Wednesday about their hero Donald Trump after he pointedly disavowed them. White nationalist Richard Spencer said he was “disappointed” with Trump. But Spencer s…
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
She knows he served with honor in Vietnam. She knows he loved cooking and Bruce Springsteen. She knows he died lonely in Casper.
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
This election cycle, “identity politics” has become one of those phrases that joined the political lexicon. Even though it has become…
Green party presidential candidate seeks donations to fund efforts in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin over ‘compelling evidence of voting anomalies’
Such lovely, tolerant, non-judgemental people. Bernie Sanders former spokesperson Symone Sanders knows who she DOESN’T WANT leading the new Democratic ...
"Anti-Trump," was all one reviewer who gave the book a single star had to say.
WASHINGTON • Pending recounts, runoffs and challenges, Republicans are poised to have a 241-194 advantage in the U.S. House of Representatives come January. But that only tells part of the
Jordan Peterson (Professor of Psychology) joins Dave Rubin to discuss the gender pronoun controversy he has found himself in, political correctness, free spe...
The Trump team has lost nearly half its staff since instituting a ban on registered lobbyists. The purge has allowed conservative think tanks to take a stronger role in the transition.
Last weekend, a 36-year-old man raced in a massive annual Tucson cycling competition against thousands of women, and--shocker--he won big time. According to the Arizona Star Daily, the biological male raced the 106-mile route in 4 hours and 36 minutes, a winning time for the women's division, though a whopping 25 minutes longer than the men's first-place finisher. 
Butterball is the largest turkey producer in the U.S.

BLM: The black man’s KKK

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

By Lt. Col. James G. Zumwalt ?The Shadow? – a popular 1930s radio program – began and ended with the announcer saying: ?Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows.? A lawsuit, filed Nov. 7 against Black Lives Matter, may soon reveal the evil lurking in the hearts of the [?]
Muslim migrants – angry that they weren?t being given ?enough Nutella, Gummibears and chocolate? – burned a conference center to the ground in Dusseldorf, Germany, during Ramadan, according to German Red Cross employees. The migrants caused nearly $10.6 million in damage to the building used as a major hub to house refugees on June 7, [?]
Former Governor Mike Huckabee went on FOX and Friends Wednesday morning. Huckabee thinks appointing Romney as Secretary of State would ...
A leading ad exchange blacklists Breitbart News because of concerns over hate speech and incitement to violence.
According to The New Yorker, which published an article about the controversial meeting Donald Trump had with members of the press, Trump decided to attempt to humiliate Mitt Romney, who had met with Trump, by claiming Romney “desperately wants” to be Secretary of State . The New Yorker reported:
A new study reveals some shocking statistics about German attitudes towards Muslim migration to the country. [dcquiz] Around 34 percent of Germans reportedly "completely or slightly agree" with th
Symone Sanders, former spokeswoman for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, appeared on CNN Wednesday afternoon to weigh in on the future of the DNC and the Democratic party. Sanders dismissed the idea of Howard Dean returning as DNC chairman commenting, "we don't need white people leading the Democratic party right now." "Howard Dean is also on record maligning young people and millennials. Telling those Bernie folks they just need to get in line and maligning Bernie Sanders. And that is not what we need," Sanders said about the former party chairman. "In my opinion we don't need white people leading the Democratic party right now," Sanders said. "The Democratic party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in leadership and throughout the staff, at the highest levels. From the vice chairs to the secretaries all the way down to the people working in the offices at the DNC." "I think we need a robust discussion about this and I think we need to hear more from all the candidates," Sanders told CNN's Brianna Keilar. "Jaime Harrison of South Carolina, he's great, too. He's done real party building, but everybody doesn't necessarily know Jaime and they want to know what he stands for. So I want to hear more from everybody." "I want to hear from the millennials and the brown folks," she finished. BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN: Howard Dean also in the running for DNC chairman. And I wonder what you think -- you're a Keith Ellison person. SYMONE SANDERS, FORMER BERNIE SANDERS SPOKESWOMAN: No. BRIANNA KEILAR: You're not? SYMONE SANDERS: I don't know. I have not thrown my hat in. I know that my former boss has thrown his weight behind Keith Ellison but I have not thrown my weight behind anyone. BRIANNA KEILAR: Okay, this is even better. Then you're an even better person to ask this question of. You have Howard Dean and others who support -- SYMONE SANDERS: Jaime Harrison. BRIANNA KEILAR: That's right, Jaime Harrison, and their line is that Keith Ellison, who is more to the left than these other guys, that he, since he's a sitting Congressman, since it appears he wouldn't leave that position behind, Debbie Wasserman Schultz had wore the two hats. He's saying, you know what, that doesn't work wearing the two hats. Do you think that Is that a real criticism or do you think that that's people trying to get some cover for not wanting someone who is so, so liberal to be at the helm of the party? SYMONE SANDERS: I think it's a little of both. I definitely think it is difficult to win. You have a chair that is a sitting member of Congress, or has any other kind of job, has two sets of staff. There is DNC staff and then there's office staff. Whenever you want to get something done quickly you just can't go through the DNC staff you also have to go through whatever particular office staff. Look, I think Keith Ellison is great, I have worked with him. He is amazing, he is a fighter and he's committed to the issues, but -- BRIANNA KEILAR: Howard Dean? SYMONE SANDERS: Howard Dean, you know, Howard Dean was there for the 50-state strategy, but here's the issue: Howard Dean is also on record maligning young people and millennials. Telling those Bernie folks they just need to get in line and maligning Bernie Sanders. And that is not what we need. And in my opinion we don't need white people leading the Democratic party right now. The Democratic party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in leadership and throughout the staff, at the highest levels. From the vice chairs to the secretaries all the way down to the people working in the offices at the DNC. I think we need a robust discussion about this and I think we need to hear more from all the candidates. Jaime Harrison of South Carolina, he's great, too. He's done real party building, but everybody doesn't necessarily know Jaime and they want to know what he stands for. So I want to hear more from everybody. I want to hear from the millennials and the brown folks.
A heartwarming message from 15 people with Down syndrome to a future mom.
Upward Mobility columnist Jason L. Riley writes about the media’s response to Donald Trump: Why does the press hype a white nationalist sideshow of only 275 people? It feeds the “deplorables” narrative.
President-elect Donald Trump told the New York Times he disavows the neo-Nazi group that recently celebrated his election victory by raising their right hand...
A federal court on Tuesday blocked implementation of a rule imposed by President Barack Obama's administration that would have made an estimated 4 million more higher-earning workers across the country eligible for overtime pay starting Dec. 1.
The West Michigan GOP mega donor and philanthropist is an ardent supporter of school choice