
Defense contractors could win big in the next four years


Shunned by Myanmar’s new government and its Buddhist hierarchy, a nationalist monk blamed for whipping up at times bloody anti-Muslim fervor said he feels vindicated by U.S. voters who elected Donald Trump to be president.


'I’m still very unhappy that Mitt did everything he could to derail Donald Trump,' Huckabee said.


Mark Jamison has questioned the need for telecom and cable oversight.


Another student at Bowling Green State University has hoaxed a racist hate crime attack, local police have confirmed.


Today?s news that President-elect Trump will not seek to press for an investigation of Hillary Clinton disappointed his supporters and offered an ?I told you so? moment to his critics. In an interview with New York Times writers, Trump stated: “I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don?t. She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways, and I am | Read More


“The 2016 presidential election has emboldened the structures of oppression"


Oh you poor pathetic losers. #ImStillWithHer are so triggered the #MorningAfter#TrumpsFirstOrder


Conservatives Launch #AnywhereButTarget ahead of Black Friday, Christmas Shopping


The dean of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's W.H. Bowen School of Law has tendered his resignation just days after sending a school-wide email explaining that he was making free, taxpayer-f


President Barack Obama's secretary of education, John B. King Jr., has officially released a Dear Colleague letter mandating a "commitment to diversity" at America's colleges and universities and call


The Obama administration isn't shying from pushing policy in its final months, releasing a letter Tuesday calling on all public schools to permanently eliminate corporal punishment, In a letter sen


Trump is not going to stop tweeting. He sees it as a means to get around the mainstream media which are still being extremely negative in their coverage of Trump.


The last thing Obama and the Democrats want is for Trump's plans to help America prosper. It's proof liberalism is a failure. Cartoon by A.F. Branco


SPLC Should Lose Non-Profit Tax Status, Says Immigration Reform Group


REGNERY: Attorney General Jeff Sessions — Liberals’ Worst Nightmare


California has always been the "flagship" for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.


Toward the end of Election 2016: The Neverending Story, you may recall that Donald Trump started yelling a lot about the election being "rigged." I don't know if he really thought it was rigged (even


"I CANNOT TELL YOU how EXCITED I am for this."


President-elect Donald Trump nominated Governor Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador today. The Trump Transition Team said, “Haley has a proven ...


Yesterday, Donald Trump held a meeting with several liberal writers at The New York Times. The attendees at today’s meeting ...


Donald Trump, however, prevailed in the Electoral College


A conversation with Norman Eisen, former White House ethics czar, about the legal challenges facing the president-elect.