On the surface, the message from the University of Michigan's final reading of consumer sentiment for November is that President-elect Donald Trump will fix what ails the nation — fast.
Worried about how to handle political discussions at the Thanksgiving dinner table? Have no fear! There’s a new hotline that helps you talk to your relatives about racial issues while they’re trying to enjoy family time together! There is that famous old saying that one should never discuss politics or religion at the dinner table. But an organization created to help white people talk to | Read More »
Sorry, kid. That's rough...
Read the full text of the president-elect’s meeting with reporters, editors and opinion columnists from The Times.
Trump says tax breaks will incentivize Apple to manufacture its best-selling product on American shores.
For when your Thanksgiving conversation hits a stalemate.
Rep. John Culberson of the House Appropriations Committee has already had something in place that AG Loretta Lynch has approved from the DOJ
According to sources, Donald Trump has offered the job of Secretary of Education to Betsy DeVos, Chairperson of the American Federation for Children. SCOOP: Trump offered Betsy DeVos Education secretary job, and she has accepted, transition officials tell me. — Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) November 23, 2016 DeVos has been an avid supporter of Common Core, and is also a major booster of school choice programs, | Read More »
Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) reacts to Donald Trump dropping charges against Hillary Clinton, a major draw to his campaign.
Science and the left and war on science and Tierney
President-elect Donald Trump tapped Betsy DeVos, a top Republican donor and school choice activist, to head the Department of Education, the Trump transition team announced Wednesday.
Censorship tool built as Facebook eyes China: report
Michigan-based Betsy DeVos has been a longtime critic of the entrenched and resistant-to-change American public school system. For decades she has pushed for school choice, vouchers, charter schools, and less federal control over state and local schools. And Donald Trump just made her his choice to be the nation’s next Education Secretary.   Some initial …
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) Headquarters in Washington DC was ambushed by protesters wearing blue jumpsuits, trying to gain access to the buildin...
On his massively influential talk radio show on Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh pointed out something that a look at a map of the 2016 election results seems to confirm: "The Democrat Party is not a national party anymore."
One of the men in charge of Trump’s NASA transition team, Bob Walker, has confirmed what Trump has been hinting at for some time – that the agency’s budget
For a third time, a federal judge has affirmed a nationwide injunction against the Obama administration?s agenda to impose mandatory open-restroom policies on schools from coast to coast, scolding the White House for repeating old arguments and catching those who submitted the newest arguments in a lie. The ruling this week from U.S. District Judge Reed [?]
A new law in the state of California will expedite executions of death row inmates. After a decade of decline, the death penalty may be regaining lost ground in the US.
The social network, blocked in China since 2009, has developed software to keep posts from appearing in users’ news feeds in specific geographic areas, current and former employees said.

SULLIVAN: Dear white boy…

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

In a sense, I am unsure about writing this column. I’m just another white boy putting my voice in a space dominated by white boys. And as we will see later, my premise is that white boys should be listening more and speaking less.
High school and college socialists will walk out of class on inauguration day in protest of Donald Trump's presidency. The action is being organized by Socialist Alternative, and its student arm,
Sanders criticizes media in GQ's "Men of the Year" interview.
As his days in the White House wane, President Obama is facing a series of final ceremonial acts of his office. Pardoning the Thanksgiving turkey is one of them, and Mr. Obama will do just that on Wednesday. Enter Tater and Tot, two splendid birds who hail from Storm Lake, Iowa. Both are males, both weigh 39 pounds, and both went through an audition to gauge their ability to pose on a podium without too much fuss.
The judges said the redistricting "constitutes an unconstitutional political gerrymander."
President-elect Donald J. Trump over the weekend nominated Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) to serve as United States Attorney General, signaling that he is serious about returning the Justice Department to[...]