BALTIMORE (AP) — Baltimore's top prosecutor acted swiftly, charging six officers
We put an iOTWreport spotlight on this moron once before. He's at it again. If Matt Wuerker has kids someone should call child protection, because innocent children shouldn't have a parent this fri...
The pro-abortion media crowd is embracing new ally in their fight: Satanists.  “Mary” from Missouri is hoping to bypass her state’s 72-hour abortion waiting period by citing “sincerely held religious beliefs” – as a Satanist. The Friendly Atheist blog broke the story of how the Satanic Temple plans to aid a woman it calls Mary who believes in its “tenets.” The media followed suit, from a Think Progress editor expressing “love,” to a Salon editor concluding, “[R]eligious exemption laws are maybe cool when Satanists use them to get abortions.” 
Much of the black community in America is dying, which is the "death," and lacking true leadership and solutions, which is the "dearth.”
In a startling new interview, a 3-star general and former head of Communist Romania’s secret police who defected to the United States in 1978, claims that the Theology of Liberation was the creation of the KGB, who exported it to Latin America as a way of introducing Marxism into the continent.
The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
Retired police officer reacts to the actor's remarks
President Obama responded to the Baltimore riots with a heartfelt bout of self-righteous hectoring. Supposedly, we all know what’s wrong with Baltimore and how to fix it, but don’t care...
David Clarke declared the charges brought against six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray "the Duke Lacrosse case all over again"
Is Prosecutor Mosby correct that Gray's arrest was unlawful because knife was legal?
How does he do it? How does Barack Obama manage to insult and pi$$ off one group after another of working Americans? President Obama took time Tuesday during his press conference with the Japanese Prime Minister to discuss the situation…
Continuing its assault on every cause that could possibly upset progressives, on Friday the crowd-funding site GoFundMe removed from its site a fundraising appeal for the Baltimore police officers who were arrested in connection with the death of Freddie Gray. “Apparently our GoFundMe account has been suspended with no explanation,” said the Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police …
Will require two annual home inspections and official state registration.
Thanks to the closing of a tax loophole, Soros may soon have to pay up. Here’s a look at what $6.7 billion could get you.
Republican lawmakers have introduced legislation that would slash what National Aeronautics and Space Administration spends on earth sciences, including funds that go toward researching global warming
In an interview with Fox News’ “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke dismissed the charges against six Baltimore police officers in the death of African-American m
An excellent monologue by Bill Whittle who explains how progressivism is nothing but an empire of lies: Sarah Silverman getting paid less than a male stand-up comedian. The Rape Culture at the Univ...
“Unlike Ferguson, where riots also took place, black Baltimore residents do not lack political power and representation.”
“Because we’ve never done it, the idea that there could be a..."
Our out-of-control federal government knows no limits. States have power to put it right.
For those who think there is an "epidemic" of blacks being killed by cops, it seems that it is really the other way around. Statistics show that more cops are killed every year than the number of blacks that are killed by cops. This runs quite counter to...
The first annual Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest will be held on Sunday, May 3, at the Curtis Culwell Center near Dallas, Texas.