
The story of the Obama era is the story of one colossal federal government train-wreck after another. Where you might expect outrage, you get a shrug.


Phony black race hustler Rachel Dolezal stepped down as president of the Spokane NAACP this week after it was revealed ...


A former Amherst College student has filed a lawsuit saying he was falsely accused of rape and not given a fair investigation by college officials.


She sounds just a tad hypocritical in a past radio interview.


White supremacists post video as 'proof civilisation is crumbling'


The president’s new proposed housing rule is an assault on freedom.


Could prove that Hillary has been covering up...


KC Johnson provides insight into college sexual assault and due process on 'The Kelly File'


Republicans are running against a Democrat who's about as uncool as you can get.


Hillary Clinton charged a kids' charity $200,000 to speak -- and she pocketed every dime. Clinton reportedly charged the Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach $200,000 for a speech earlier this year


He was expected to be weak among evangelicals and Tea Party voters. But his early weakness has been broader than that.


While regulators make many laws, all legislative power is still vested in Congress, and it needs to better ensure that agencies carry out its intent.


Congress' budget office again warned that the U.S. faces a massive debt problem Tuesday, using stark language to describe the government's long-term mismatch between spending and revenues even as it slightly upgraded its projections for debt over the next 25 years.
The long-term outlook for the federal budget has worsened dramatically over the past several years, in the wake of the 2007-2009 recession and slow recovery, the Congressional Budget Office reported in its long-term budget outlook for 2015 released Tuesday.
RELATED: House defies veto threat, passes defense spending bill
The Budget Office, a nonpartisan in-house think tank for Congress, projected that the federal debt is set to rise from 74 percent of economic output today to 103 percent by 2040, driven by spending on government healthcare and retirement programs and interest payments on the debt.


U.S. citizens may fear homegrown jihadists, but law enforcement is more worried about right-wing extremists.


One high school English teacher says she doesn’t want to teach the works of a “long-dead, British guy” to her students.


Last summer, when the Gaza conflict was raging, I traveled to Sderot, Israel, on the Gaza border to see for myself what was happening. And boy did I see it.


Democrats should think long and hard about whether nominating the first woman for president is worth having Clinton Foundation hoodlums dominate the headlines.


President Obama took office vowing to go after unscrupulous employers who hire illegal immigrants, but worksite audits have plunged over the last year and a half, according to a report released Tuesday by the Center for Immigration Studies, tumbling along with the rest of immigration enforcement.


Armed Bystander Intervenes, Saves Female Clerk Being Held At Gunpoint


The aim and purpose of a welfare system is to provide the maximum benefit to the recipients at the least cost to ourselves. This seems like a fairly logical thing to be aiming for too. However, there's good evidence that the current US welfare system simply doesn't do this. So, [...]


“It doesn’t matter what might be popular at the moment.”


Peter denied Jesus three times but Hillary Clinton appears to have a much more difficult task; she is going to have to deny herself at least 45 times. Last Friday, Hillary Clinton's spokesperson, Karen Finney, appeared on CNN's The Lead and exasperated Jake Tapper by continuing to avoid avoid answering the important question as to whether her boss still supports or opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade bill in Congress. Not a good move in the long run because yesterday Tapper struck back by listing in detail with her own quotes 45 times that Hillary pushed the trade bill over the years. First Tapper writes about Hillary's current reluctance to back the trade bill in stark contrast to the many times she strongly supported it in the past: