Charles Krauthammer argued that "Clinton fatigue" would be "one of the great advantages" for the GOP against Hillary,
David Clarke (D) wondered how Al Sharpton has avoided going to prison for tax evasion
San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon ordered an immediate internal investigation Thursday into what he called 'disturbing' video showing an arrest by deputies after a horse pursuit that was caught...
President Obama has long known that the real decision maker in Iran is Ayatollah Khamenei, the so-called supreme leader. While other Iranian officials have negotiated with Western powers over the mullahs’ nuclear program, Khamenei’s opinion is the only one that really counts. It is for this reason that Obama began writing directly to Khamenei early in his presidency.
This young man will prevail.
Vice President Joe Biden has been accused of putting his foot in his mouth before – but a toddler's pacifier?
Hillary Clinton wilts as swing states poll shows the fallout from scandal twin-bill of secret email servers and foreign buckraking.
This new generation of GOP hopefuls understands what only Newt Gingrich knew in 2012. If you want a chance at the White House, you need to beat the other candidates and you need to beat the press. Mitt Romney, decent fellow that he is, tacitly accepted the press’ claims of objectivity, even if he didn’t believe it in his heart.?
Most of the innovation and development resulting in amazing products and services associated with the Internet have occurred without heavy-handed government regulation.
"The systematic destruction of the American way of life is happening all around us, and yet most people have no idea what is happening. Unfortunately, in our society the value that we place on individuals has a tremendous amount to do with how much money they have."
Seriously. And I include Hillary Clinton. And not just on one or two token positions. On racial injustice issues, Rand Paul brings it.
"What's a boy to do when the Vice President steals your pacifier?"
'But of course nobody on that side seems to have the slightest doubt about their cause,' a prominent columnist wrote. 'In a holy war, there is no room for doubt.'
Our American Freedom Defense Initiative’s Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest will be held on May 3 in the Dallas area to show that we will defend free speech and not give in to violent intimidation. We have received over 350 submissions of Muhammad cartoons from all over the world, and now we are throwing open the voting on the best of these to you. You and voters worldwide will choose the winner of the People’s Choice Award.
VIDEO: "Financial reform will be one of the primary issues in 2016."
2016 presidential candidate Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) delivers remarks at a rally in front of the aircraft carrier USS Yorktown in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, touching on several campaign themes,…
Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has pulled ahead of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the key swing states of Iowa and Colorado in a hypothetical 2016 presidential election matchup.
On this day, 150 years ago, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at the Appomattox, Virginia Courthouse. This event essentially ended the Civil War, the bloodiest conflict in American history, which claimed the lives of over 600,000 soldiers.
India trying to rescue U.S. citizens stranded in war-torn Yemen.
Third graders write get well wishes to cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal-- (Michelle Malkin) On December 9, 1981, at approximately 3:55 a.m., Officer Danny Faulkner, a five year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department, made a traffic stop at Locust Street near…
Recently adopted net neutrality regulations soon could make your monthly Internet bill more complicated — and potentially more expensive.
Unsurprisingly, gender-neutral bathrooms are part of this special snowflake's complaint. ... Read more
A wave of foreign migration threatens to grow welfare rolls and rob low-wage American workers of jobs.