When many people think about sexual assault, they think about female victims preyed upon by males, but new research shows that men are frequently victims themselves, with alarming statistics that show how rampant sexual assault on men actually is.
If she can’t handle a kickoff speech, how could she handle the presidency?
I'm not usually in the business of offering responses to blog posts written by other people, but, especially after my piece on divorce yesterday, an overwhelming number of readers have demanded that I comment on this. It's an article titled "5 Reasons Why Marriage Doesn't Work Anymore," authored...
Website: http://commonsensecapitalism.blogspot.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Common-Sense-Capitalism/240074889678 Twitter: https://twitter.com/...
In his response to Bruce Allen Murphy’s book about Justice Scalia, Steven Calabresi (with his co-author Justin Braga) offers some inside scoops (which I hadn't seen) about the nominations of Justic...

Is Ted Cruz Latino enough?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Ted Cruz has a Latino name. He has a Latino background. And he’s one of the few Latinos to have ever run for the presidential nomination of a major party.
The older brother of TV and film actress Mindy Kaling is pushing back, after his sister publicly claimed she was not aware of his plans to enter medical school under the guise of a black man more than 15 years ago.
From the April 10, 2015 edition of "The Glenn Beck Radio Program": Glenn Beck puts Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul on the hot seat, asking severa...

Cuba's free pass on terrorism

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Sometime during this weekend’s Summit of the Americas in Panama, President Obama is expected to grant one of Cuban President Raul Castro’s top demands and remove his country from the Unites States’...
ISIS is hiring. A job advertisement has surfaced online aimed at supporters of the Islamic State who do not wish to fight on the front lines. Omar Hussain, a British jihadist who fled the UK to joi...
In case they were not clear on the concept, Attorney General Eric Holder is warning Justice Department employees against soliciting prostitutes.
On April 10, Breitbart News had the opportunity to talk with GOP Presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson about guns and gun rights, and he told us that the Second Amendment keeps the government from dominating the people.
A new poll shows New Hampshire Republicans leaning toward Scott Walker over Jeb Bush, with Rand Paul, who announced his candidacy and visited the Granite State this week, in third place. The NH1 poll released Friday shows Walker, the Wisconsin governor, leading Bush, 23 percent to 17 percent – outside the margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage...
By supporting religious freedom, Roger Simon says, “the potential candidates risk alienating the rest of the nation.” A closer look, however, reveals that this might not be the whole story.
Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe has been getting a lot of press in advance of his representation of Peabody Energy in its dispute with the Obama Administration over the constitutionality of the Envir
RFRA supporters are like the brave Americans in the Deep South decades ago who stood for black civil rights against intense political pressure. The fanatical authoritarianism of the political left is plunging this country headlong into a very dark place, from which many nations never return.
In which our resident scholar on all things Middle-East - and circus related, Andrew Klavan, explains Barack Obama's policy for that troubled region. Think o...
Two Massachusetts Democrats said Tuesday that it could be time to dump Rep. Nancy Pelosi as its top House leader.
Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood was hiking along the bluffs overlooking Bakersfield last year when he got a call from Gov. Jerry Brown.
Check out this great op-ed written by Oklahoma State Senator Josh Brecheen.

The Closing of the Campus Mind

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

'I can’t have you participate in class anymore.” I was on my way out of class when my social welfare and policy professor casually called me over to tell me this. The friendliness of her tone did not match her words, and I attempted a shocked, confused apology. It was my first semester at the Hunter College School of Social Work, and I was as yet unfamiliar with the consistent, underlying threat that characterized much of the school’s policy and atmosphere. This professor was simply more open and direct than most.
Cruz said the president used Sandy Hook to come after “law-abiding citizens." 
Cruz: Only Regret on Iran Letter is Not Signing as Big as John Hancock

Why Atheists Are a Myth

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

People seem to be scared of atheists. When polling companies survey people as to whether they would vote for candidates of certain religions for president, atheists usually come in last -- and you've seen how the candidates we do vote for are. Many people actually seem frightened of atheists as if they're amoral monsters, like vampires or werewolves.
The asylum is open and the inmates are among us, painting everything racist. As long as it isn't white.