
Market nudges and discrimination

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

When it comes to the corporate version of systematic discrimination, the type based on preference for gender, sexual orientation, race, or some other generalized variable, businesses can employ the...
Hillary Clinton’s upcoming run at the White House will reportedly have a unified backing from Hollywood Democrats, who were divided in their support between Hillary and eventual nominee Barack Obama in 2008.
Huw Thomas, a Labour candidate in Wales, is facing calls to resign after it emerges that he wrote a blog post saying he was 'completely sickened' by England flags
Ted Cruz knocked it out of the park yet again at the NRA conference with another great teleprompter-less speech. Watch below : Go see all the other great NRA conference speeches here!
The Social Security inspector general questioned the policy this month in light of the fact that Spanish is the predominant language in Puerto Rico.
Obama’s grand-bargain Iranian vision is creating a powder keg.
The meeting in Panama ended five decades of official estrangement between the U.S. and Cuba. Both leaders agreed to foster a new relationship.
PANAMA CITY — The leaders of the United States and Cuba held their first formal meeting in more than half a century on Saturday, clearing the way for a normalization of relations that had seemed un...
Civil rights leaders on Saturday will gather Saturday to press the U.S. Senate to confirm Loretta Lynch as attorney general
Clinton released an updated epilogue to the paperback edition of her book “Hard Choices,” focusing on the birth of her granddaughter.
The latest in a long line of race-based attacks.
Authorities say a man arrested after a 30-mile high-speed chase in Arizona last Friday is a native of Mexico who has been deported 20 times.

The Closing of the Campus Mind

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

'I can’t have you participate in class anymore.” I was on my way out of class when my social welfare and policy professor casually called me over to tell me this. The friendliness of her tone did not match her words, and I attempted a shocked, confused apology. It was my first semester at the Hunter College School of Social Work, and I was as yet unfamiliar with the consistent, underlying threat that characterized much of the school’s policy and atmosphere. This professor was simply more open and direct than most.
It's no wonder that California is drying up! 

The Return Of Traditional Values

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

What our love of Downton Abbey and American Sniper says about our culture and about us.
Less than four months after Islamic fanatics stormed the Paris offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and butchered 12, while accepting the George Polk career award Friday, left-wing cartoonist Garry Trudeau blasted the dead with the claim that they had “wandered into the realm of hate speech.”
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Bloomberg ran a story that Nancy Reagan was endorsing Hillary Clinton. It was a fake story that Bloomberg picked up without hesitating and ran. It had to yank the story and apologize. Who the hell would even believe a story like that? The Media. Just like liberal reporters immediately believed stormed out of an interview and turned out the | Read More »

On shooting fleeing suspects

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Not so fast.
Privacy advocates say attempts to bypass encryption will create vulnerabilities for hackers to exploit.
Melissa Harris-Perry stated "I worry about American tourists and the ways that we can sometimes be a plague" in a talk on US-Cuba relations
President Obama didn't get much for his move to normalize ties with Cuba at the Summit of the Americas. After bailing out the failed Castro regime, he's now drawn a new slew of grievances from the other Latin states.
President Obama has pledged to continue pushing gun control, but at least one Democrat strategist wishes he would drop the gun control push.
A lot of people do...
An ACLU attorney said Louisiana’s proposed religious liberty law might let a husband hit his wife & “dismantle the Louisiana legal system.”