
A senior House Democrat has once again issued an apocalyptic warning that climate change will hit women harder than men, and that it could drive millions of poor women to engage in "transactional sex" in order to provide food and water for their families. Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)...


Indiana's governor doesn't seem concerned that a Religious Freedom Restoration Act might be offensive to some parties.


From the top tier to the hopeless, my odds for the current candidates.


Good morning, you Damn Crommies! I have been sorting through the news this morning, reading over the papers and various internet publications, and I have stumbled on a story that surely pleases Cro...


The Left's effete snobs have their grand agenda, and they shed no tears for others who must sacrifice to advance it. They never eat their words.


CBS News Reports on Clinton's Plummeting Polls Over Email Scandal


They unanimously backed sanctions if Obama can't verify that a deal is being followed.


Longtime Republican Party icon Grover Norquist defended himself Thursday on an hourlong television show against accusations by conservatives that he has ties to people who’ve worked for Muslim Brotherhood front groups.


Senator Harry Reid, the tough tactician who has led Senate Democrats since 2005, said he had been contemplating retiring from the Senate for months.


Senator Harry Reid, the tough tactician who has led Senate Democrats since 2005, said he had been contemplating retiring from the Senate for months.


WASHINGTON -- Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat who has led his party's troops since 2005, announced Friday he will not seek re-election.


Upset the left, and you get angry, personal denunciations. Say something that upsets religious people, and they pray for you. Why the difference?


Watch City Vérité: Shanghai - http://testu.be/1KTBR8d Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml In 2001, Portugal decriminalized drugs, making the punishment manda...


Were the election for president held today, Ted Cruz would be president of the United States. It would not be by virtue of his polling, his positions or his charisma. Cruz just happens to be the only officially declared major party candidate for president. That will soon change.


Wealthy tech founders and the automation of middle-class jobs are often blamed for increasing concentrations of wealth in fewer hands. But a 26-year-old MIT graduate student, Matthew Rognlie, is making waves for an alternative theory of inequality: the problem is housing.


Mark Levin opened his show today revealing how the Obama administration has basically given top-secret information on Israel's nuclear weapon's program to all of Israel's enemies and the entire wor...


A horrific missile attack in Gaza during last summerâs war between Israel and Hamas, for which Israel was broadly condemned at the time, was actually caused by a Palestinian missile misfiring and killing its own people, Amnesty International charged in a report released Thursday.


Wednesday, March 4: Fulton County police detective Terence Avery Green was killed, shot in the head by a suspect. According to WXIA-TV, Atlanta:


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) fired at Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), among others, calling their ideas “fiscally irresponsible and dangerous to the country” and “just as bad as the Democrats” after they voted to raise defense spending on Thursday without offsetting that with spending cuts to federal programs.


Rand Paul did offer an amendment that would increase defense spending. But he did not do it for the purpose of increasing defense spending.


Ableism The unfortunate biological reality that some people are bigger and stronger than others Abuse Tweets Ageism The internalised misogyny of Mother Nature Heterosexism The awkward reality that most people aren’t gay. Can be remedied with the proper social conditioning Critical


As he pulls together his expected presidential campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire, Sen. Rand Paul is confronted by defections from an unexpected quarter: the die-hard idealists whose energy powered his father’s campaigns. That network of committed supporters was expected to convey to Paul, the natural successor to Ron Paul’s libertarian...


(Watch Dog) -Â State Sen. Sen. Ernie Chambers isnât backing down. The state lawmaker from Omaha defiantly stood Thursday on the floor of the Nebraska Legislature and rejected many of his colleaguesâ calls for him to apologize â or even resign â for comparing cops to ISIS terrorists and suggesting heâd shoot a cop if he ...


Hands Up! Deray McKesson and Johnetta Elzie (ShordeeDooWhop) who helped whip up the Ferguson mobs were named by Fortune Magazine as two of the world's greatest leaders. DeRay came to St. Louis from Minnesota for the past several months to…


An article which appeared today in the German magazine, PI-News, reports that during a six-month break from his job with … Continue reading