Latest developments in Yemen and Iraq are evidence that the poison from Obama's "New Beginning" with Mideast Muslims just keeps spreading.
Yesterday on CBS This Morning, Sen. Ted Cruz revealed that his taste in music changed after 9/11 and he became a fan of country music. "Country music collect...
The news that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is to be tried for desertion casts the 2014 prisoner swap in a new light. President Barack Obama traded five senior Taliban leaders, who had been imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay, for Bergdahl--and did so without giving Congress 30 days' advance notice. In doing so, the Obama administration broke the law, according to a report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office. That violation was not just a crime, but also, in context, a high crime.
Gov. Walker's spokesperson Kirsten Kukowski says a Wall Street Journal report that the governor shifted his stance on amnesty is wrong.
On February 12, the Pentagon quietly declassified a top-secret 386-page Department of Defense document from 1987 detailing Israel's nuclear program – the first time Israel’s alleged nuclear program has ever been officially and publically referenced by the U.S. authorities. In the declassified document, the Pentagon reveals supposed details about Israel’s deterrence capabilities, but it kept sections on France, Germany, and Italy classified. Those sections are blacked out in the document.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali should be the perfect feminist hero. Viewed from a certain level of abstraction, it is hard to imagine one person who fits the role on so many levels: She’s an escapee — literally — from an abusive patriarchy. She’s an African immigrant who made her own way in a Western country, the Netherlands, starting from...
Bowe Bergdahl and Our Leaders' Lost Honor -
Why is former U.S. President Andrew Jackson still on the $20 bill, as opposed to suitable candidates like Rosa Parks, Betty Friedan, or Sojourner Truth?
The ground has truly shifted when a policeman actually says it's perfectly reasonable for a rape victim to just do nothing, or to let educational officials handle one of the most serious of crimes facing society today, Neil Macdonald writes.
As he pulls together his expected presidential campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire, Rand Paul is confronted by defections from an unexpected quarter: the die-hard idealists whose energy powered his father’s campaigns. That network of committed supporters was expected to convey to Rand Paul, the natural successor to Ron Paul’s libertarian...
The 2016 Republican nomination contest spilled onto the Senate floor Thursday, turning a marathon budget debate into a battle over which candidate is prepared to lead the country at a time of war. Four GOP senators are trying to gain the upper hand on the commander-in-chief test — Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham — and...
Leaving wealth in the hands of the wealthy, an author argues, is the best way to benefit all Americans.
Children climbed on to armoured vehicles while troops stopped to pose for pictures in the main square of the Polish town of Bialystok as a U.S. convoy passed through after a NATO exercise.
"Without Pharrell our planet would not survive," says indoctrinated youth.
A federal watchdog on Thursday faulted the Drug Enforcement Administration over allegations that agents attended sex parties with prostitutes while stationed overseas on government-leased property.
Jon Stewart misses her point.
Breitbart News analyzed the Washington Post fact check column for all of 2015 and found that so far this year Republicans and their claims have been targeted twice as often as Democrats and their claims. A good faith search revealed
Three attendees of a private Republican dinner in New Hampshire say Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker supported the idea of letting illegal immigrants stay in the U.S. and eventually receive citizenship.
"The real reason we're doing this has nothing to do with Obamacare, that's just the vehicle," explains Lawson Bader, president of the Competitive Enterprise ...
Josh Earnest "us policy should not be graded against the success or the stability of the Yemeni government"
Rush Limbaugh predicted Hillary Clinton's supporters will trying to mute criticism by branding it as sexist on Thursday.
Earlier this week, Meredith Shiner at Yahoo News, a political reporter with roughly six years of experience and a jourmalism degree from Duke, demonstrated breathtaking ignorance about Ted Cruz's reference to God-given rights. She tweeted the following in reaction: "Bizarre to talk about how rights are God-made and not man-made in your speech announcing a POTUS bid? When Constitution was man-made?" In a post on Shiner's tweet on Monday, I wondered how widespread such breathtaking ignorance might be. In his Fox News "Watters' World" segment on Bill O'Reilly's show on Tuesday, Jesse Watters found some individual answers, many of them far from encouraging:
MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC: So should we dial back on the words that [Yemen] is a success story, when you have the president fleeing on a boat? JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE SPOKESMAN: Mmm. Hmm. You need to separate out two things here. The measure of U.S. policy should not be graded against the success or the stability of the Yemeni government, that is a separate enterprise. The goal of U.S. policy towards Yemen has never been to try to build a Jeffersonian democracy there. The goal of U.S. policy in Yemen is to make sure that Yemen can not be a safe haven that extremists can use to attack the West and the U.S. That involves trying to build up the capacity of the government to help us in this fight. There is no doubt we would prefer a situation where there is a stable government where there was a place where U.S. personnel could operate in Yemen coordinating directly with Yemeni security forces to take the fight to these extremists.
A senior House Democrat has once again issued an apocalyptic warning that climate change will hit women harder than men, and that it could drive millions of poor women to engage in "transactional sex" in order to provide food and water for their families. Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)...
The levy is especially painful for minority-owned companies, they say.