“My dedication to this sacred duty is total and whole-hearted."
I spent some time talking to an incredibly nice, helpful, genuinely kind hard-Leftist who has dreams of a President Bernie Sanders. The wisdom of years has taught me that one makes no headway with ...
Emails obtained through a federal lawsuit show that two top aides to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were running interference internally during the 2012 Benghazi terror attack.
Senators slammed the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General Wednesday for enabling the agency's misdeeds instead of acting as an independent watchdog. The Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee voted to require all inspectors general to make their recommendations available to the public, to Congress and whistleblowers. The move came in response to the refusal of the Veterans Affairs inspector general to share some reports — including several draft reports focused on fraudulent treatment scheduling in the department — with Congress in a timely fashion. VA OIG completed a report that uncovered troubling practices at the Tomah VA, and provided recommendations ... this report was never reported to Secretary [Robert] McDonald, the Congress, or the public, said Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis. The report was requested by a member of Congress and the VA failed to provide it even to the member. ... The failure of the VA OIG to appropriately share this report ... is simply unacceptable, she said.
Oak Park and River Forest High School in Oak Park, Illinois held a "Black Lives Matter" assembly last week, but banned anyone who was not African American from attending. Oak Park is just outside o...
President Barack Obama tells students he's disappointed Congress refused to pass gun restrictions after the Sandy Hook elementary massacre.
Though some may think Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s positions on amnesty and Common Core make him a liberal, Bush claimed to Iowans on Friday that there is “nothing” in his record that would suggest that he is a moderate. In
President Obama touted the "Let Girls Learn" initiative during his weekly address on Saturday.
The Convention of States has big news. Our resolution – HJR 1003 – failed to garner enough votes during the first consideration. But,
Three employees of the city of Ferguson, Missouri, have resigned or been fired after the Justice Department investigation of racial prejudice in the city.
It’s the 50th anniversary of one of the seminal events in our history, and not a single leading Republican is bothering to go? For shame.
In a tunnel dug deep underneath the besieged Gaza Strip, masked gunmen from Islamic Jihad are ferrying rockets and mortars back and forth, preparing for the next conflict with Israel.

The E.U. Experiment Has Failed

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

With Christianity moribund and patriotism stigmatized, the only principle that unites Europeans is one of material comfort. 
Mark Beasley, a member of the Navajo Nation, has started a petition for Buffalo, NY to change its "racist and offensive" name. According to Beasley, he speaks for his "Native American colleagues." ...

The Coming Chinese Crackup

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The endgame of communist rule in China has begun, and Xi Jinping’s ruthless measures are only bringing the country closer to a breaking point.
This won't surprise anyone except the illegal alien advocates who keep saying that Obama has deported more people than anyone, which is not true. Now we know that more illegals are returning after ...
Its time to give current university system the Old Yeller treatment, except normal Americans will giggle when this rabid mongrel gets put down.
How do you think Republicans would have done in the 2014 elections if they had told the truth about what they intended to do when they took over the Senate?
Tea Partiers are dismissed outright, while socialist fringes on the left are never acknowledged nor addressed.
Attorney General Eric Holder says he is "prepared" to dismantle the Ferguson, Mo., police department "if that's what's necessary." "We are prepared to use all the powers that we have, all the power that we have, to ensure that the situation changes there," he said on Friday. "That means everything from working with them to coming up with an entirely new structure."
At a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing, Senator Jeff Sessions grilled EPA chief Gina McCarthy.
Brian and Valerie Wilson of Nevada want to take in foster kids but are prohibited from doing so because they carry guns for self-defense.
Now that the tragic abduction of Justina Pelletier by Boston Children's Hospital has been resolved after a national outcry, a bipartisan group of Congressional representatives are introducing new legislation to prevent the kind of medical abuses that led to Justina's forced confinement for more than 16 months. Justina's situation is not unique, but representative of a larger problem with Child Protection Services and hospitals all across the U.S. that use the foster care system to legally abduct children for medical research. Justina's case received national media attention from talk show hosts such as Dr. Phil, Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee and many others, due to her parents refusal to obey a court gag order on her case. Others in the past have attempted to expose this corrupt system, such as Congresswoman Nancy Schaefer from Georgia. Congresswoman Schaefer lost her Senate seat in Georgia as a result of her speaking out, but states it was something “worth losing” for standing up for the rights of parents who were having their children kidnapped by CPS. She and her husband were found murdered in their home in 2010.

Finding the Great Republican Hope

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The GOP can’t win in 2016 by thinking inside the box. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The usual criteria for political success — plenty of New York and Washington IOUs, youthful vi...