
Border Patrol agents gave eye-opening testimony on Capitol Hill last week, saying that they "face retribution" for reporting large groups of illegal immigrants.


Kids need to learn failure.


Democrat state Rep. Bill Patmon of Cleveland, Ohio has authored and introduced a bill aimed at banning fake firearms, even if they do not shoot projectiles. House Bill 119 proposes that any toy tha...


“Show me the money,” Jerry Maguire famously shouted in the 1996 film. Hollywood wants everyone to show it the money. Hollywood wouldn’t have glitz and glamour if people weren’t plunking down their credit cards at the local theater or watching their home DVRs or streaming new episodes to other devices. Ironically, for a multibillion industry, TV and film frequently depict the individuals and businesses trying to make money as corrupt, immoral and even murderous. American teens and young adults are very likely to be influenced by soaking up those views.


The long-awaited movie about notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell has had one of the more interesting development cycles in the independent film scene.


Ever been pinned down at Thanksgiving Dinner by a crabby relative who goes on a tirade about trivial complaints which are laced with biting criticism? "Why are skirts so short these days?"


A move to shift power away from the New York Federal Reserve Bank is finding some powerful friends in Congress amid lingering worries that a key part of the central bank is too cozy with Wall Street. Two Republicans running the banking committees have both said they plan to explore proposals from the outspoken, former Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President...


MARION, Ohio -- A school board in Ohio has voted unanimously not to restore a nearly 60-year-old plaque of the Ten Commandments that was removed from a local high school last year following a complaint. The Marion City Schools Board agreed on Monday to indefinitely "loan" the plaque to the Marion County Historical Society for display instead of its…


By filibustering a humanitarian bill, Senate Democrats place politics above helping women.


Government’s pursuit of ensuring access to opportunity risks damaging freedom in the bargain.


Unacknowledged irony: South Africa is still home to high levels of violence against women and children, despite a constitution widely regarded as the most progressive in the world . . . In fact, So...


The Media Research Center released a powerful and devastating video Friday addressing what Eric Holder would call a "false narrative" that took hold regarding Ferguson: the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" myth. The fable of the innocent victim raising his hands and being gunned down by police was false from the start, and has since been thoroughly debunked. Even Chris Hayes himself has been forced to admit as much.Â


Former general splits with Obama; says Iran, not ISIS, is the real enemy.


MRCTV released a video montage this week on the evolution of the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" myth. The infamous "Hands up, Don't Shoot" mantra was repeated often in the liberal media and by far left Democrats and committed race hustlers.…


Contra Matt Bruenig, men's earnings at the bottom haven't fallen by a third


Hillary Clinton officially has been asked to turn over her private email server, which she used to send and receive emails while serving as secretary of state, for independent review.


Air Date: March 17th, 2015 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fa...


Obama and the media lied. Netanyahu never said that a Palestinian state was out of the question.


A campaign is underway to kick Andrew Jackson off the $20 bill and replace him with a woman.
The nonprofit group, Women on $20s, has a list of possible candidates and is currently soliciting votes to narrow the field.
The list includes early women's rights activistsSusan...


A Christian law firm is urging a federal appeals court to reject the Obama administration's request for an executive order on amnesty to move forward.


A new scientific paper has driven yet another nail into the coffin of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming theory. (H/T Bishop Hill) The paper – Rethinking the lower bound on aerosol radiative forcing by Bjorn Stevens of the Max Planck Institute


Over at Hot Air, I saw that Seth Meyers, as he was figuratively grilling Texas Senator Ted Cruz on his "Late Night" program — the first rule of these shows is that conservatives get attacked, while liberals get coddled — made his case for global warming by saying, “I think the world’s on fire literally.” I checked outside just a moment ago and "literally" saw no burning bushes or other burning objects, so I can say that Meyers, at least in regards to this small corner of the world, is "literally" wrong. In the language of Politifact, the leftist pretend-fact check site, he has his "pants (figuratively) on fire." One would think that a fact-checking web site would have gone after Meyers for his out-of-control hyperbole. Not a chance.


Will the Obama Administration Be Sanctioned for Misleading Judge Hanen? -