
A panel discusses the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and the Department of Justice Report.


Should we be shocked that according to reviews Sean Penn’s new movie, The Gunman, is turning out to be the Venezuelan economy of action thrillers? Not at all. After all, Penn, the Hugo Chavez fan boy, co-wrote the screenplay. And just as Chavez/Madurro socialist tropes inevitably led to a workers’ paradise chronically short of toilet paper, Sean Penn’s anti-corporate instincts led to a thriller chronically short of thrills.


Dennis Miller Sums Up in One Tweet How Absurd It is to Be Served a 'Race Relations' Quiz with Coffee
Dennis Miller might have the perfect response...


If you could create the perfect candidate to succeed Barack Obama as president, what would their background be and what would they think?


This is the culmination of a longtime Obama policy of destroying the US-Israel relationship.


Obama Manufactures an Israel Crisis -


The absence of true leadership has created chaos at home and abroad. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online What has gone wrong with the U.S. government in the past month? Just about ever...


For those who didnt know this, our nation was founded by brilliant, freedom-loving heavy weights.


Chuck Todd: Yemen in 'Chaos' as Iran-Backed Rebels Advance, 'Once Touted as Success' by Obama (March 22, 2015)


Obama Laments Media's 'Constant News Cycle' for Covering Each Crisis of His Presidency (March 21, 2015)


I believe Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz to be "natural born Citizens" and eligible to be President. Here's why.
1. Summary
There are few eligibility requirements to be President. You don't have to be smart, wise, experienced, honest, educated, or a particular gen


Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) blasted President Obama on CNN's State of the Union Sunday for his behavior during the reelection of Benjamin Netanyahu and pointed the president to the real threats looming throughout the Middle East. "There was a free and fair democratic election," McCain said, "Get over your temper tantrum, Mr. President."


Being a single parent is a tough gig. Hustle the barely conscious kids off to preschool, fret whether your afterschool program is meeting the needs of your children, fidget in rush hour lines at the...


First he comes for the banks and health care, uses the IRS to go after critics, politicizes the Justice Department, spies on journalists, tries to curb religious freedom, slashes the military, thro...


“Obama is working hard to nail down what he hopes will be one of his ‘signature achievements’: a wide-ranging global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”


What many were speculating yesterday has been confirmed - Ted Cruz will forego the traditional presidential exploratory committee and announce his presidential bid on Monday: Republican Senator Ted...


Rhodes just as bad as Fuehrer, activists say in campaign to remove colonialistâs statue


The girl who recorded & posted video to Facebook of a vicious attack on a white girl & her little brother is Toshonna Ferguson, Gotnews.com has learned.


The Republican Liberty Caucus of Idaho was present at CPAC 2015 and some of our members caught an impromptu role reversal interview, where Rand Paul intervie...


Palestinians have demonstrated neither the will nor the leadership to sign a deal with Israel.


It is hard to miss the glee in the media and political establishment at the rise of the Presidentâs popularity rating to a minus (3.4) percent. Buoyed by the uptick the President is encouraged to ignore the shellacking taken in a hard fought election, in which, by his own words, his policies were on the…


Members of the field are overwhelmingly liberal. Unsurprisingly, few see that as a problem.