
The Democrats’ Despicable Filibuster -


University of Virginia political science professor Larry Sabato believes that Jeb Bush is the candidate Hillary Clinton most wants to face in a general election because he would be the easiest to defeat. In his Crystal Ball report, which Politico


Just as it is at the ballot box here in America and Israel, leftism undisguised is dying in cable news. According to a Politico report, MSNBC is sinking fast and prepared to throw everyone overboard not named Joe Scarborough and


The absence of true leadership has created chaos at home and abroad.


On March 17 the Huffington Post ran a column detailing how Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and other members of the gun control lobby are getting decimated by state legislatures across the country.


Dear Mona I recently heard someone throw around the statistic that only about 2 percent of all living Americans have served in the military. This seems low, and seems worth fact-checking. Ron, Navy...


Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES The Democratic Party is the Party of Slavery. They are the party that decided to secede from the Union. They are the party that started a Civil War over the right to treat people as property. They are the party that, once their side lost the war, set up structures to keep American citizens from exercising their civil rights. | Read More »


Get in on the excitement of this year's NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament. Compete against other fans as you fill out a bra...


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has gone on a charm offensive lately with multiple interviews with American media promising collaboration, but a recent video shows he takes pride in deceiving the Wes


By Jonathan Allen NEW YORK (Reuters) - In 2008, Hillary Clinton promised Barack Obama, the president-elect, there would be no mystery about who was giving money to her family's globe-circling charities. She made a pledge to publish all the donors on an annual basis to ease concerns that as secretary of state she could be vulnerable to accusations of foreign influence. At the outset, the Clinton Foundation did indeed publish what they said was a complete list of the names of more than 200,000 donors and has continued to update it. In response to questions from Reuters, officials at the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) and the foundation confirmed no complete list of donors to the Clintons' charities has been published since 2010.


The likely 2016 presidential candidate who believes it takes a village to raise a child is now proposing "camps for adults." Hillary Clinton is worried about America's "fun deficit," not our deficit-deficit, and told group gathered for a speech that "We really need camps for adults."


After working one day as a substitute teacher in Illinois, David Piccioli could be entitled to an annual pension of more than $30,000.


Growing up as "a gender nonconforming entity" during Eisenhower's America wasn't easy for cultural critic and best-selling author Camille Paglia. Her adolesc...


Obama admin threats to teach Israel a lesson based on distortion.


Do you feel like the Republican Party isn’t standing up for real American values anymore? Are you upset that the Tea Party just isn’t conservative enough for your liking? Well don’t worry, because conservative pundit Glenn Beck is on the case, and plans to launch what he calls “an ultra-conservative American political party,” aimed at …
The post Glenn Beck To Create New “Ultra-Conservative” Political Party appeared first on National Report.


FULL INTERVIEW HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88_3AhU0-B0 Growing up as "a gender nonconforming entity" during Eisenhower's America wasn't easy for cu...


In theatrical terms, Benjamin Netanyahu killed it. His performance was a virtuoso mix of skill and substance as he showered his audience with obligatory gratitude, yet offered absolute clarity on t...


Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) argued that race and gender were "a factor" in the battle over Loretta Lynch's confirmation


It seems as though Ben Carson has flunked the Hugh Hewitt primary. In an interview with the conservative radio host Wednesday, Carson tripped up repeatedly during the discussion exclusively on fore


The Democrats are on the wrong side of a familiar issue.


One anti 2nd Amendment group went to incredibly great lengths to scare people about firearm ownership.


Fashion designer Domenico Dolce, who is openly gay, defended his stance in support of the traditional family during an interview with CNN on Wednesday, claiming that his stated opinion on the matter is his own "private point of few." "It's my private point of view. I'm Sicilian," Dolce...


ESPN "First Take" host Stephen A. Smith says that if every African-American voted Republican for one election, it would send a strong message to the GOP that their vote is important.


On the morning of September 11, 2001, Americans awoke to the realization of international terrorism.