RESTORATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ACT BY RYAN SHARP As most every American knows or should know, our unalienable rights under God that are not to be infringed according to our Constitution, are indeed being infringed. The evidence sho
An artist commissioned years ago to paint a portrait of former President Bill Clinton has revealed a secret reference -- to Monica -- tucked into the shadows of the official painting.
Jesse Lee Peterson interviews Christelyn (Chris) Karazin, brand ambassador for InterracialDatingCentral.com. She also runs the website BeyondBlackWhite.com. ...
Commentary: The new regulatory action by the FCC has sweeping implications for the Internet, and the price we will pay over time for this radical shift will be severe.
Does NARAL not know Jezebel has corrected the story, or does it not care?
Kuwaiti paper claims unnamed Israeli minister with good ties with the US administration 'revealed the attack plan to John Kerry.'

Netanyahu’s Moment

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Read conservative news, blogs and opinion about Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran, Israel, Joint Session, Kristol, Middle East, Obama, speech, U.S., Middle east and Speech from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine available in online edition.
Conservative radio host Mark Levin criticized Congressional Republicans for having "no principles, no strategy and no guts" on immigration.
That President Obama won’t call it Islamic terrorism; that he believes we shouldn’t be on a “high horse” because America and Christians have done bad things; that Muslims are victims...
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) gave an impassioned speech on the House floor on Friday during debate on funding the Department of Homeland Security and President Barack Obama’s un-Constitutional executive actions on immigration. Gohmert accused Obama of usurping Congress by ‘speaking’…
Levin: 'We Are Not a Nation of Immigrants, We are a Nation of Citizens'
Arming female students against sexual assault is about women's rights.
Proud America still holds some of its shine, though faded by a virus. We are ill.
After his riveting address at Saturday’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Mark Levin declared on Breitbart News Saturday that conservatives will never defeat Democrats without first defeating the Republican establishment. The conservative icon, scholar, and talk radio host earlier told
In the days before his apparent suicide, Schweich said he was upset over what he thought was an anti-Semitic whisper campaign
Another major media outlet has apologized after getting a story about Scott Walker wrong. Last week, it was the New York Times; now, it’s The Daily Beast. The Daily Beast has retracted an article from one of its college columnists that claimed that the Wisconsin governor’s budget would cut sexual assault reporting from the state’s...
Here's one of the greatest defenders of liberty in our country today, Mark Levin, at CPAC this morning. He never pulls any punches, and this speech is no exception! Watch below: Some tweets for Mar...
Norway recently made the controversial decision to deport a large amount of Muslims with ties to radical groups. Despite all the liberals in Norway deeming this “racist”, the logical party went ahead with it and the result almost shut down

Why Rand Paul's CPAC win matters

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Some say Scott Walker's strong second place showing means Rand Paul's win matters less. Don't believe it.
As of today, this is a list of all the 30 idiot Congressional Democrats who are skipping Netanyahu's speech because it 'offends' their anti-Israel president. And it's an ugly list too. According to...
The almost forgotten Third Amendment makes all the others possible.
The scandal of it cannot be overstated: various Jewish leaders and philanthropists are prominent donors to The New Israel Fund, an organization which funds BDS and other anti-Israel initiatives.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) was criticized on Sunday's State of the Union on CNN for being more interested in America's constitutional principles than his responsibilities in the country's governance in the midst of the threat of government shutdown through the funding of the Department of Homeland Security and President Obama's order of amnesty. Host Dana Bash used the interview segment to repeatedly castigate the congressman by reminding him that his critics feel he is more interested in principles over responsibility.

New ID card for liberals

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

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