
Media coverage has obscured what is perhaps the most important finding regarding the shooting death of Michael Brown.


Why do our âbest and brightestâ fail when faced with a man like Putin? Or with charismatic fanatics? Or Iranian negotiators? Why do they misread our enemies so consistently, from Hitler and Stalin ...


Ferguson is burning again, and there are two pools of blood soaking into the Missouri ground from police officers who were doing nothing more than their jobs.


To Hillary and some liberals' chagrin.


Some wonder why conservatives get the impression that many leftists are not patriotic.


Rep. Trey Gowdy appeared on Fox News Sunday earlier to address why he believes that Hillary Clinton has not provided all the relevant emails she should have to the Congressional Investigation Commi...


The Obama administration is abandoning plans to cut the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan to 5,500 by year's end, bowing to military leaders who want to keep more troops, including many into the 2016 fighting season, U.S. officials say.


The group of conservative lawmakers has frustrated GOP leaders.


President Obama might need to turn to the Supreme Court to get his unilateral action sparing millions of illegal immigrants from deportation back on track.
Every attempt by the Obama administration to force the launch of his immigration programs has been stymied thus far, and reading the legal tealeaves, their prospects in the lower courts don't look much better.
The White House has attempted to dismiss as a political stunt U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen's ruling last month halting Obama's issuance of work permits for millions of illegal immigrants.
In the weeks since Obama's power play was put on hold, the White House has expressed confidence that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in New Orleans would overturn Hanen's decision.
However, the White House hasn't received good legal news of late.
On Friday, that appeals court rejected the Justice Department's attempt to lift the hold on Obama's immigration programs. Though procedural, that development could bode poorly for when the court in New Orleans hears a broader appeal to the ruling, putting the brakes on a centerpiece of the president's second-term agenda.


Here's another case of the flag not being good enough to be displayed at a public space owned by the American public. Watch below from Fox News: Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com M...


(FULL SPEECH AT BOTTOM) WKOW - Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wisconsin) got a lot of applause and ultimately a standing ovation at a New Hampshire Republican Party training event Saturday morning, but most ...


Every federal branch has seized power far beyond what it was intended to have.


“Equality is less important than opportunity. Opportunity requires allowing people to spend their own money and take their own risks.”


Having the U.N. Security Council bless a deal wouldn’t make it binding under our Constitution.


What happened last night was a pure ambush, Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday, the day after two police officers were shot at a demonstration in Ferguson, Mo. This wasn't someone trying to bring healing to Ferguson.
That's putting it mildly. The shootings are just the latest violent act in the Ferguson saga, which began last year when Michael Brown was shot by a police officer. Holder's Justice Department has pretty much exonerated the officer who shot Brown in the violent confrontation. The hands up, don't shoot version of Brown's story was always a lie â one exploited by hucksters such as Al Sharpton and amplified by the media, with tragic results.
But even so, the Justice Department, separately, also laid bare a troubled municipal police force that has lost the trust of the community it serves. There still exists a legitimate complaint, especially among young black men, about their routine interactions with police. And it all comes down to a government too powerful and too greedy, with too much to hide.


Today marks the 65th anniversary of the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted" fugitives program.


There are problems with oil, gas and coal, but their benefits for people—and the planet—are beyond dispute, writes Matt Ridley.


New Yorkers come from across the city to Michelle Joniâs Brooklyn apartment to finger paint, sing, snack and nap. The new concept has attracted photographers, authors and even high-flying corporate lawyers who want to connect with their inner child.


On March 4, 2015 Attorney General disclosed his findings from the Department of Justice investigation of the Ferguson police force. The Department of Justice concluded that Officer Darren Wilson did not violate Michael Brown's civil rights and acted in self…


Obama confidante Valeria Jarrett went through back channels to leak Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server to the press, a new report reveals.


Seattle’s $15 minimum wage law goes into effect on April 1, 2015. As that date approaches, restaurants across the city are making the financial decision to close shop. The Washington Policy Center writes that “closings have occurred across the city, from Grub in the upscale Queen Anne Hill...


TweetTwo white students were barred from a meeting of the Racialized Students’ Collective March 11. First-year journalism students Trevor Hewitt and Julia Knope were told that because they were not victims of racialization, they were not allowed to stay in the meeting room and report on the event. Hewitt and Knope said they made eye...


When Israel is constantly on trial, it is no surprise that Jewish students can only be socially accepted when they join the 'indict-Israel' circus.


U.S. officials said Sunday they will halt operations at the American Embassy and consulates in Saudi Arabia for the next couple of days, in response to âheightened security concerns.â