The big revelation from the latest Clinton scandals is not that the former president and his wife are corrupt, low-rent, grabby, greedy, serial liars.
WAPO: Obama hurts gun control movement by exaggerating gun stats
Sen. Rand Paul says that President Barack Obama’s Attorney General nominee U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch hasn't "shown any compassion, or understanding of the law" when it comes to civil forfeiture.
Kelli Serio criticized Hollywood's hypocrisy on Friday's "Stossel" on the Fox Business Network.
Where have all the womenâs libbers gone, long time passing? Where have all the womenâs libbers gone, long time ago? Where have all the womenâs libbers gone? Political correctness has deceived them everyone. Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn? Change a few words…
Kurdish authorities in Iraq said Saturday they have evidence ISIS used chlorine gas as a weapon against peshmerga fighters, the latest alleged atrocity carried out by the extremist organization now under attack in Tikrit.
Summary: Republicans in the House of Representatives are pushing a bill that would mandate the way the First Daughters Sasha and Malia would be able to dress when their father holds office. Date(s) active: Mar 2015 Originated from: National Report.net FALSE. The rumours claim that “The Respectable First Family Act” would apply not only to …
A powerful U.S. Senate investigatory committee has launched a bipartisan probe into an American nonprofitâs funding of efforts to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the Obama administrationâs State Department gave the nonprofit taxpayer-funded grants, FoxNews.com has learned.
Right now, reddit is controlled by a cabal of social justice warrior and feminist...
Mo Lt Governor: Holder Incited The Mob Many Times
Did you see the Hilldebeest during last weeks UN presser try to pawn off on us po rubes that she didnt break any email rules during her stint as Secretary Of State and that we we are actually uncouth for even questioning her integrity?
The 20-year-old man charged in the shooting of two St. Louis-area officers had been at the protest outside of the Ferguson Police Department earlier that night, authorities said Sunday.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Majority Leader Mitch McConnell warned Sunday that he won't hold a confirmation vote for Loretta Lynch as attorney general before the Senate completes work on a bill designed to curb human trafficking.
Carville: Hillary Didn't Want Congress 'Rifling Through Her Emails'
White House festivities for Nowruz come amid tense times between the U.S. and Tehran.
Even the opposition rejects the “extraordinary threat” language of Obama’s order.
New York public-school students caught stealing, doing drugs or even attacking someone can avoid suspension under new âprogressiveâ discipline rules adopted this month. Most likely, they will be se...
Canada's six-month mission in Iraq comes to a close at the end of March, but Defence Minister Jason Kenney won't say whether Canada's Armed Forces will continue in their fight against ISIS.
Itâs the vast left-wing conspiracy. Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary Clintonâs use of a private e-mail address during her time as secretary of state, sour...
Vice President Biden painted skeptics of climate change as stupid in a recent interview.
There’s a solitary man at the financial center of the Ferguson protest movement. No, it’s not victim Michael Brown or Officer Darren Wilson. It’s not even the Rev. Al Sharpton, despite his ubiquitous campaign on TV and the streets.
As drugs for lethal injections grow scarce, states are reverting to earlier methods of execution—and to their flaws.