As Axios reported Sunday morning, there are increasing indications that former U.S. Representative Robert Francis O'Rourke, sometimes called "Beto," is planning to give the whole politics thing another try after
Basilico's is an Italian restaurant, located in Huntington Beach, CA. Rosemarie has been serving her authentic - family-style Italian cooking. Buon appetito!
After a week of protests from students, the Central York School Board maintained its ban on some race-related materials.
After months of pushing to halt evictions for tenants hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic, progressives have found themselves on the side of the landlord when it comes to vaccine mandates.
As NBC political director Chuck Todd trotted out his mostly liberal panel for Sunday’s Meet the Press, the mood was dreary as they all had to cope with and explain President Biden’s incompetency on multiple ongoing crises, with him on yet another vacation.
One of the repeated refrains from voters, journalists and opposition politicians throughout the course of this election has been to ask why we’re even having…
Two women arrested for ripping a “Make America Great Again” hat off a child’s head and destroying Trump signs will escape jail time, according to a report.
Campus Reform reports how conservative student groups nationwide have trouble finding faculty advisors. At Cornell, I end up being faculty advisor to most right-of-center student campus groups because there is no one else to do it. Does this make me "the most important Social Justice Warrior in Itha
Florida didn't beat Alabama, but fans put on a show Saturday. Watch a video of fans singing Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down."
A state superior court judicial panel ruled on Friday that the North Carolina voter ID law was "enacted, at least in part, for discriminatory purposes."
A majority of American voters believe the nation has become less united since President Biden took office in January, a new poll released Sunday shows.
A group of bipartisan lawmakers is seeking to undo U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to waive sanctions on the Russian-owned operator of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in a last-ditch effort to stop it from pumping gas to Europe.
The communist regime in China has plans to export its horrific practice of forced organ harvesting once it's ...
Analysts tore into the mass media who hyped the potential danger of Saturday's rally in Washington, D.C., only to find that the actual attendees were outnumbered by the police and the press. 
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen on Sunday said there “absolutely” needs to be accountability for the botched Kabul drone strike that killed several civilians.
The English Touring Opera faces a backlash after sacking nearly half its members in the interests of 'prioritising diversity'.

Biden's Budget: The Road to Serfdom

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

In President Biden's budget speech Thursday, he referred on eight separate occasions to "pay their fair share." He just kept repeating it. Some left-wing pollster probably told him that it plays well in progressive precincts. As you may have guessed
A Pennsylvania man pleaded guilty earlier this week to one count of attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham
The judge presiding over the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has ruled that prosecutors cannot allege that Kyle Rittenhouse is affiliated with any far-right groups
Biden administration COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci said that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will likely make a ...
House Democrats on Tuesday moved to make permanent a dramatic expansion of Obamacare that includes giving government subsidies for health insurance to the poor and wealthy alike.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said it isn't a "mistake" for theFDA to limit booster recommendations, but his comments on the subject differed just days ago.
A Texas doctor claimed Saturday that he has deliberately violated the state’s new abortion law in order to help test whether it’s legal.
It’s like the political version of Bill Murray’s movie “Groundhog Day”: America awakes to find that yet again a prominent Democratic politician breaks his
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin may have confidence in Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley. But a group of two dozen Republican lawmakers certainly