Earlier this year, the WEF started making a lot of noise about cyberattacks disrupting global supply chains.
They were a gruesome twosome. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were both in on withdrawing from Afghanistan. They apparently both ignored the various memos and reports from the State Department
The Biden administration ban on drones at the new epicenter of the border crisis may not be legal, ...
President Biden took to the airwaves last week to present himself as a hero in the fight against COVID-19. In a new high for political irony, his plan is to...
When the Supreme Court declined to enjoin a Texas law restricting abortions. President Biden decried the decision as "an unprecedented assault on a woman’s constitutional rights under Roe v. Wade."
The reprehensible actions of Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, take the cake for audacity and arrogance.
President Biden and the Democratic Party took major hits this week, stretching from the Pentagon confirming that a "tragic mistake" led to 10 civilians in Afghanistan dying in a drone strike, to a federal grand jury indicting a Clinton campaign lawyer.
As the "woke" idiots keep scouring our nation for anything and everything to do with General Robert
11 of the 15 Manhattan restaurants visited by undercover sleuths were not enforcing the city-wide COVID-19 vaccine mandate for people dining inside, according to a new investigation.
President Joe Biden is taking a long weekend this weekend. I spent some of the morning wondering if the president is actually resting comfortably. Is he playing fetch with his
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker wants to make sure the people who claim to be vaccinated against coronavirus are telling the truth, but stopped short of saying he wants a statewide database. About two-thirds of the state’s workforce will be affected by the vaccine mandate implemented by the Biden administration last week. It says that companies...

The Disaster at Our Southern Border

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

It is simply common sense to view border security as national security.
Outrage is brewing over a video showing a day care worker in New York forcing an upset toddler to mask up.
President Joe Biden used the word “unity” eight times in his inauguration speech, but voters say the country is heading in the opposite direction on his watch. 
Majorities support mask and vaccine mandates advocated by the Biden administration, as the coronavirus pandemic remains a top concern, according to the latest Fox News poll.
Allow me to introduce myself. I’m The Obstinate Grandmother. I’m opinionated, armed to the teeth, and subtle as a 2 x 4 upside your head if you insist on
It's hard to recall the debacles facing Joe Biden.While our focus should remain on Americans left behind in Afghanistan, the Southern border fiasco is worsening
In pushing his massive $3.5 trillion expansion of the social welfare state, President Joe Biden maintains that any tax increases will not hit those making
A split three judge panel blocked North Carolina's voter ID law Friday, ruling the policy is discriminatory.
By: Donald J. Trump After many years of allowing China to rip off the United States on trade and so much else, I was very tough on China, by far the
In order to pay for President Joe Biden’s massive $3.5-trillion expansion of the social welfare state, Democrats in Congress have proposed to do what they
The FTC's Office of Policy Planning released findings on Wednesday from a study which focused on over 600 unreported acquisitions by Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft between Jan. 1, 2010 and Dec. 31, 2019.
Andrew Trunsky  The “Justice for J6” rally organized to protest the arrests of those who participated in the Capitol riot drew small crowds and remained
State health officials reported 377 deaths on Friday, pushing the Texas COVID-19 death toll to 60,357.
Another radical leftist masquerading as an educator has been exposed after she brazenly bragged about ignoring a new state law that bans teaching radical anti-American lies like Critical Race Theory (CRT). This from the thegatewaypundit.com. In