Sebastian Hughes  A Chicago-based environmental group filed an emergency request Monday to stop the construction of President Barack Obama’s
President Joe Biden has given just nine sit-down news interviews in his first seven months in office, lagging far behind former Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama at the same point during their terms.
Gov. Ron DeSantis' policies, allowing businesses and individuals freedom of choice during the pandemic, have helped Florida emerge as a sought-after destination and economic example, a guest columnist from the Foundation for Government Accountability writes.
President Biden in an interview with ABC that aired Thursday said "no one's being killed" in Afghanistan despite reports of several deaths amid the chaos at Kabul's airport and of Taliban beating people on their way to the airport, as he defended his handling of the American withdrawal from the country.
COVID-19 restrictions, changing curricula, and declining academic standards are some of the reasons many families have decided to start homeschooling.
Adding extreme social leftism to the usual political greed and stupidity has been catastrophic, from the military to education to border security.

Dead Superpower Walking

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

The War on Terror began with men plunging to their deaths from the highest floors of skyscrapers hit by airplanes; it ended with men plunging to their deaths from the undercarriage of a US airplane taking off from what's left of "Hamid Karzai
On Tuesday, former Secretary of State and former National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice penned an op-ed tearing the Biden administration’s hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan and countered the implication put forth
Kaylee Greenlee  The Biden administration on Wednesday proposed a rule that would allow asylum officers to determine whether migrants are eligible
Chaotic scenes from the Kabul airport show that Afghans, desperate to flee the country, don't believe the Taliban's softer tone or promises to maintain women's rights, a former CIA intelligence officer told Fox News in an exclusive interview.
Most voters would not vote to reelect President Joe Biden, and a significant number who voted for him in 2020 now regret their choice.
Officers from the United States Capitol Police (USCP) responded Thursday morning to reports of a suspicious vehicle near the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was slammed for using strange terms to describe the current state of his country's economy. "It is exactly the example of the kind of things you need to do to counter the she-cession and turn it into a she-covery. Fact is, the Conservatives don't talk about that in their lengthy..
President Joe Biden continued to struggle with his response to the crisis in Afghanistan after days of hunkering down.
Biden contradicted himself when he deflected blame for the debacle in Afghanistan by saying chaos after U.S. withdrawal was inevitable. 
The judge struck down the vaccine mandate at a Louisiana medical school, holding that it violates the state's religious liberty rights.
On Wednesday's broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "Hannity," Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said President Joe Biden is "obsessed with having the | Clips

Portraits of Kabul: A City in Chaos

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Since the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan following the U.S. withdrawal, the emerging portrait is anything but peaceful. 
CDC Data has demonstrated what anonymous admin officials described to Politico as a "worrying drop" in coronavirus vaccine efficacy over time.
President Joe Biden tried to pivot attention away from his ongoing disaster in Afghanistan and back toward the coronavirus pandemic.
As many as 15,000 American citizens may remain inside Afghanistan, struggling to get out, days after the Asian nation fell to control of Taliban terrorists, President Biden said Wednesday.
U.S. health officials on Wednesday formally recommended booster shots for fully vaccinated individuals after 8 months.
Biden's Department of Education is threatening possible legal action against governors who have fought back against school mask mandates.
Commander Dan O’Shea, U.S. Navy Seal (Ret.) With His Dog Jameson On this week’s “Chris Ingram’s Mover and Shaker” Chris interviews  Commander Dan

Can Larry Elder Save California?

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

The answer to the question posed by the title is “No,” at least not alone, and I suspect Larry Elder would agree. But the hack cliché is that every journey