As Americans languish behind enemy lines in a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, President Biden addressed the nation on his administration's response to the Wuhan coronavirus and push to mandate vaccination among additional
Former President Donald Trump said Wednesday on Newsmax TV's "Greg Kelly Reports" that he knew he had hired a "loser" in General Mark Milley, who served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. | Clips
The financial giant teaches that the United States is a system of “white supremacy” and encourages employees to become “woke at work.”
Free Videos. Free Minds.
48% of US adults say the government should restrict false information online, even if it means losing some freedom to access/publish content.
SNP accused of trying to tighten control over Scots' lives by extending ability to impose lockdowns, shut schools and make people wear masks
This guy is just insane...
“Larry is a knee-jerk radical,” Dershowitz told Page Six of the incident. “He takes his politics from Hollywood. He doesn’t read a lot. He doesn’t think a lot.”
Supporters of al Qaeda and other extremist social media accounts posted triumphant messages this week after the Taliban retook power in Afghanistan, sparking renewed concerns that the country could function as a haven for terror groups following the impending U.S. withdrawal.
The law that criminalizes illegal reentry is unconstitutional because it is "racist" against "Latinx" illegal aliens, a judge ruled.
Can a system for sending rejected asylum seekers back to their home country ever be efficient and humane at the same time?
During an interview with San Francisco's KPIX on Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) responded to concerns that military equipment falling into the | Clips
Chinese firms look forward to cashing in on Afghanistan's oil and mineral resources under the "stability" brought by the Taliban.
Vice President Kamala Harris has kept a conspicuously low profile since the swift fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban.
Are you aware of Antibody Dependent Enhancement?
Former Reagan Justice Department Chief of Staff Mark Levin called out the Pentagon's top leadership as inept brass who will go down in history as "disasters", and asked aloud whether House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., will act on her praise of President Biden's handling of the Afghanistan collapse and offer to trade places with Afghan women who fear subjugation by the Taliban.
The leader of Portland's police union said the city needed to nearly double its current police force to do the job it wants to do. Right now, the bureau has about 810 sworn members from the chief to the most recently hired officer. Daryl Turner, executive director of the Portland Police Association, said the number needs to be between 1,300 and 1,500 officers, though city officials have not appeared open to adding those kinds of resources back to the police bureau.
Governors who ban school mask mandates could face legal action from the federal government, President Joe Biden warned ...
School board recall efforts are sweeping the country, with many driven by parents claiming critical race theory (CRT) is infecting schools, demanding schools
Donald Trump has branded the Taliban as ‘good fighters’, claiming they’ve been fighting for a thousand years. The former POTUS made the comments in the wake of the Taliban regaining control of Afghanistan, including the country’s capital of Kabul. Since then, thousands of Afghans are attempting to flee – something which has seen hundreds of …
Congressional Democrats who failed in a late-night attempt earlier this month to impose federal control over elections are ...
The Georgia State Election Board voted on Aug. 18 to appoint a bipartisan panel to probe the management ...
The U.S. Embassy in Kabul said Wednesday the federal government and military cannot ensure the safe passage to the ...
Florida’s State Board of Education unanimously voted Tuesday to punish two school districts for requiring masks in their schools, despite Gov. Ron
KABUL - None of the 15,000 Americans trapped by the Taliban have decided to take the opportunity to board a commercial flight back to the United States after learning that the carrier would be Spirit Airlines.'Talk about whiplash,' said defense contractor Jonathan Green. 'One moment I'm crying for joy with family, thinking we&# ...