President Joe Biden looked as feeble as ever while he sat helplessly in a conference room at Camp David as Kabul fell to the Taliban, Miranda Devine writes.
Is there anything more politicized than the criminal justice system in an administration run by Democrats?
Chris Miller now says talk of a full withdrawal was a “play” to convince a Taliban-led government to keep U.S. counterterrorism forces.
Pity-poor Subway owners. First, the sandwich company’s former pitchman was imprisoned on charges of peddling and stockpiling kiddie porn, and traveling
Where are all of those thousands of Americans who have been left in danger? Who is going to answer for this disaster?
US--Reports from across the country confirm that millions of Biden voters are so ashamed by the recent scandals of the president's administration that they are literally rolling over in their graves. "It's just unsettling to see someone I was so hopeful for turn out to be such an incompetent pota
In the face of actual violence from real terrorists, the best our tech and media elite can do is mutter inane platitudes.
The Defense Department attempted Wednesday to console veterans of the 20-year war in Afghanistan Wednesday, reassuring those traumatized are “not alone.”
Wearing a mask to 'save lives' even though nobody is dying from COVID is on caliber with calling a man 'she/her' because he playacts as a woman. 
The Biden administration's border malfeasance has rolled out the red carpet for the terrorists.
A senior Taliban commander on Wednesday laid out the broad strokes of how Afghanistan will be governed after the stunning fall of Kabul, saying there will be an Islamic government with Sharia law and no democratic system “at all.”
A billboard at the intersection of Eastwood Road and Racine Drive has caught the attention of drivers and raised concerns for some in Wilmington.
President Biden cannot give pushing coronavirus restrictions a rest even while Afghanistan falls in his wake, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis argued on "Hannity."
Updating the nation on the White House response to COVID on Wednesday, President Biden said he has directed Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona to exercise
Kamala Harris is still going to Vietnam on Friday, and is going to have to put on a plastic grin while she gets grilled about Afghanistan.
The Defense Department has no plan to get people trapped in Kabul behind a gauntlet of Taliban checkpoints to the airport.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he spoke with Hillary Clinton to discuss “concern for Afghan women and girls” under the Taliban.
The customer first considered writing a letter to a newspaper, but then thought a billboard might be more effective at reaching people.
A new Rasmussen poll shows that 9 percent of Democrats who voted for President Joe Biden last November now regret their vote, Raheem J. Kassam of The National Pulse reported
Even a casual observer of the United Nations knows the international body is a joke. So U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield boasting about her sternly-worded letter to
On Monday, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) signed an executive order allowing parents to opt their children out of any Wuhan coronavirus mask mandates imposed by school districts in the
48% of US adults say the government should restrict false information online, even if it means losing some freedom to access/publish content.