The Capitol Police will investigate threats to members of Congress following the January 6 breach of the Capitol. The expansion of the Capitol Police is the result of weaponizing and exaggerating the events of January 6, and is the latest step in the Biden administration's War on Terror targeting the American people.
President Biden said during a town hall event on Wednesday that Republicans are ‘lying’ when they say Democrats want to defund the police.
Film critics say “Space Jam: A New Legacy” starring LeBron James is one of the worst movies ever made. I’m going to trust the experts on this one so that I can avoid watching it myself. In LeBron’s mind though, it doesn’t matter how bad the film is. As long as it blows up at the box office, any humiliation would be worth it. However, the film isn’t on track to be the financial success LeBron and WarnerBros. had hoped either because China has yet to greenlight the film for release.
Injunction lays out the path for getting class-action certification for safe deposit box renters, lawyers say.
President Trump has put the mainstream media on blast and has accused Democrats of leading America towards communism.
House conservatives have refused to back down against Democrats on border wall funding, saying it's their "hill to die on."
Joe Biden claimed "you're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," but vaccines do not completely eliminate the possibility.
More than half of those deaths occurred in people who suffered underlying medical issues.
My idea of hell is being condescended to by an idiot, forever and ever, with no respite. In other words, watching CNN.
He drew back his public criticism of top Pennsylvania officials as a loud group of protesters approached the crowd. “Please don’t arrest or cancel me,” Pa attorney Marc Scaringi said.
Rand Paul wants to rip the gags off of scientists.
Voters continue to admire the U.S. flag, with 82% saying that either pride or patriotism describes the sentiments they feel toward Old Glory, according to a
Gov. Whitmer loses her emergency power law and Michigan wins.
Taiwan announced on Tuesday that it will exchange representative offices with Lithuania, further expanding unofficial relations between the two countries.
The irrational shifting of goalposts means there is no logical end to this debilitating state of fear

Opinion | A Pandemic of Misrule

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Antigovernment protests in Cuba, South Africa, Haiti and elsewhere are not random chaos.
This farcical interpretation of "freedom" is unsustainable
Republicans in the Senate on Wednesday defeated a procedural vote brought by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to begin debate on the bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan.
House conservatives have refused to back down against Democrats on border wall funding, saying it's their "hill to die on."
Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA) said Wednesday on CNN's "Situation Room" that the House Select Committee on the January 6 Capitol riots will have to hear testimony from former President Donald Trump. | Clips
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Republicans won't support raising the debt ceiling.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is a threat to our Constitution.
There's something about being a Democrat in modern America that seems to make the label mean "hypocrite," as in do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do
The “Kentler Project” in Berlin, Germany placed foster care children with pedophile men, hoping that the pedophiles would make great foster parents. Yes, the idea of the project is comp…
One of the more far-fetched discussions among fans of President Trump on how to return him to the White Housed has focused on have him named House speaker, presuming Republicans take the majority in the House in 2022 as expected.