A lawsuit has been filed. as a CDC whistleblower comes forward claiming thousands of unreported vaccine deaths. After all of the complaints about COVID deaths being exaggerated, one attorney is claiming that vaccine deaths are being covered up.
A Republican State Rep. announced on Monday he filed a bill in the Texas State House calling for a forensic audit of the 2020 election.
If we want to fix bridges, let’s talk about that. But 99.2 percent of Biden’s infrastructure proposals isn’t about bridges.
‘We keep seeing this, Trump allies in Congress, in governors’ offices, in the media, trying to make Fauci a COVID bogeyman,’ Tapper said.
It only took eight months, but Ronna McDaniel finally said something the other day intimating election fraud during the 2020 election:
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has confirmed that a fully vaccinated White House official has tested positive for COVID-19.
A retired U.S. Navy SEAL and Shark Tank winner launched his bid to take on an Arizona Democrat for a seat in the House of Representatives.
Hillsdale College's new curriculum "insists and does its utmost to abide by an honest commitment to the truth as it is, not as what some might want it to be."
All five co-hosts of “The View” were in rare unanimous consent Wednesday as they called for ID requirements to be put in place in order for people to create and use social media accounts.
Wikipedia has been infested with leftist narratives and that should worry you.
Executive Editor Joy Pullmann interviews children's book author Matthew Mehan about how a healthy society relies on good literature.
United States Senate voted on Wednesday against the passing of the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill with 51 nays and 49 yeas, as all Republican lawmakers joined to block the package and De...
After the U.S. women’s soccer team kneeled in support of BLM before their game against Sweden at the Tokyo Olympics, the ladies were handed a 3-0 loss. 
You can't embrace privacy and expect personal security while advocating for open borders.
The benefits of establishing a post-Roe legal order in advance are manifold, and more states should follow suit.
WASHINGTON D.C. - According to reports, President Joe Biden has purchased the entire collection of Hunter Biden's artwork for $12.6 million. In a discussion with an anonymous source, he said he hopes this gives him the leverage he needs for an audience with the President. 'I really wanna meet the President - I hear he's a real swell g ...
Inflation may cause food prices to increase again over the coming months, according to billionaire supermarket chain owner John Catsimatidis. "We're seeing anywhere from 10% to 14% by October 1," Catsamatidis said.  RELATED: Chipotle raising its prices to offset increasing employee wages Catsimatidis is no stranger to the US economy or to the food industry...
ORLANDO, FL - Disney has recently unveiled their latest addition to their Hall Of Presidents attraction located in the Magic Kingdom. It now features an Audio-Animatronic replica of President Joe Biden that exhibits stunning accuracy of his likeness. 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women created by - by - by &md ...
Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder will be a candidate in California’s upcoming recall election that could remove Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom
The number of detainees who tested positive for COVID-19 in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector alone has increased by 900%, according to information obtained by Fox News.
Sen. Rand Paul plans to contact the U.S. Department of Justice about potentially criminally investigating Dr. Anthony S. Fauci for allegedly lying to lawmakers, the Kentucky Republican said late Tuesday.
Conservative talk show host Larry Elder won his court challenge and will be on the list of candidates in the recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D).
TOKYO - After the U.S. women's team's embarrassing loss to Sweden in this year's Olympics, America is hoping to come back and regain the gold in the tournament by replacing all the women with a high-school boys team.'We will have all the boys wear brightly colored wigs, which is the only thing needed to qualify them as women under the curr ...
Sen. Tom Cotton called on President Biden to publicly denounce critical race theory after administration blamed an "error" for promoting a handbook that calls on educators to "disrupt Whiteness."
In 2018, the Cato Institute released a study where it detailed, which are the freest states in the U.S. and which are the worst in this ranking