Is Virginia the best state in the nation to do business? Last week, a poll conducted by CNBC declared it so.
For the Texas Border Wall, Gov. Greg Abbott is drawing the line on state sovereignty.
The corporate media does not like to talk about it, but there are serious differences in the Democrat Party. That truth just exploded into the public’s view. And that’s because Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez started a Democrat civil war with her refusal to do one thing. Twenty-nine members of the Congressional Black Caucus and some of the …
The Maryland National Guard may be forced to stop paying its troops Congress doesn't reimburse the costs it incurred protecting the Capitol after the Jan. 6 riot.
The Justice Department is considering imposing a 50-year secrecy rule on the release of federal grand jury material, the Washington Post reported.
The modern Beltway Republican Party deserves a healthy measure of blame for our arrival at the cusp of massively destructive climate-policy implementation.
This compromise between liberty and the common good is the right way to protect children from obscenity.
Does AOC stand for “Always Open for Communists”? The precocious tween who occupies a congressional seat from New York has suddenly discovered that Republicans aren’t fans of the brut...
The American company Eastman Kodak has deleted an Instagram post featuring images of Xinjiang, a western Chinese region where the
Not only did D.C. officials send a crew to erase the sign in support of the Cuban people bravely protesting against a brutal and murderous dictatorship, they went out of their way to defend the com…
Mary Margaret Olohan  The archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio, said in a Tuesday statement that its archbishop would not have granted permission for
The Biden administration also issued cybersecurity requirements on the pipeline industry following the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack in May that disrupted U.S. fuel deliveries.
The company says the possible substance was detected in 12 lots at levels above the company's established acceptable daily intake.
Fairfax, VA – Fox News and other outlets reported on an event organized by The Fairfax Democratic Committee where NAACP member Michelle Leete prompted applause after she appeared to call for …
Within Biden's first six months, consumer prices rose 5.4% in June from the previous year, and gas prices are now averaging 98 cents higher than this time last year.
Tuesday on FNC's "Tucker Carlson Tonight," host Tucker Carlson suggested outgoing Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos received such glowing coverage from CNN and other media outlets because he was able to buy it. | Clips

How To Be A Racist

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

The most socially acceptable form of racism today isn’t white supremacy, it’s critical race theory. White supremacist books are not bestsellers, critical race theory books are.  Richard Spencer’s racist ideology did not shape widespread protests and riots this year, and it’s not influencing academia, businesses, churches, and culture—unlike Ibram X. Kendi’s racist ideology.  Only one…
Rep. Eric Swalwell’s campaign spent over $500,000 during the second quarter of this year, spending much of it on alcohol, fine dining, limo services and the hotel where the congressman’…
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) plans to send a criminal referral of Dr. Anthony Fauci to the Department of ...
'Once the vaccines go through full FDA approval, everything should be on the table'
It wasn't "racist" then.
Senators across the political spectrum are banding together to rollback several tools in Joe Biden's foreign policy toolbox. On Tuesday, the delegation made of of GOP Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and independent Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) introduced the National Security Powers Act.
Joe Biden claimed his administration has delivered on all of the promises they made to the American people.

OPPOSE ATF Nominee David Chipman

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

OPPOSE ATF Nominee David Chipman
On Tuesday, the Inspector General for the Department of Defense announced a new review of the security procedures for the Presidential Emergency Satchel,