Sen. Marco Rubio offered to help Black Lives Matter activists move to Cuba after the organization posted a message appearing to side with the country’s communist regime instead of the anti-government protesters.
It’s tragic that the free world has never held the lethal ideology of communism accountable for its crimes against humanity. It's past time.
Bias isn't the problem. It's when a gaslighting monopolistic media hegemon insists that lies are facts and anyone who questions them is 'disinformation.'
Perry Bacon Jr. says the press should be more upfront that they're less about relaying information and more about protecting voters from themselves.
It is time for America’s moms to speak out and remind everyone of the joys of motherhood, even—or especially—in tough times.
He announces and delivers. He never misses and he never fails. That’s a true reporter! Join The True Defender Telegram Chanel Here: https://t.me/TheTrueDefender In a segment, that was heard worldwide, Tucker Carlson showed proof that the Dems were double scanning ballots, which was actually benefitting Joe Biden! COincidence ha?! According to the report published by …
On Wednesday, Rep. Devin Nunes, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, was interviewed by Sara Carter on her podcast and said he still expects Justice Department Special Counsel J...
Dr. Clifford Knopik, who holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science, a Masters in Information Systems, and earned a few more letters after his name, has some bad news for Americans – especially those living in...
State Rep. Joe Moody (D-El Paso) has been stripped of his position as speaker pro tem in the Texas House following his decision to flee the state in order to stymie the ongoing special session that Go...
The unemployment benefits in the United States have prevented over seven million people from accepting a job offer, according to a poll.
Opioid deaths soared during the COVID-19 pandemic according to a U.S. government report.
Click HERE to buy!U.S. - An American manufacturer has been overwhelmed with preorders for its brand new 'ejection porch,' which is specially designed to detect when Biden's vaccine evangelists are at your door so it can launch them into the stratosphere. 'Excuse me, sir, ...
U.S. - There is really bad news for parents who are sending their kids to government schools: many teachers are, in fact, teaching critical race theory to kids, telling them that everything must be analyzed through the lens of race and oppression. This is not good. Children may begin to exhibit signs of racism as they start to think that skin color is ...
To meet 'green' mandates, Americans will be coerced to purchase Chinese-made solar panels, made with not only fossil fuels but likely forced labor as well.
Don Trump Jr. weighed in on the Democrats’ failure to denounce and condemn communism.
According to a new Gallup poll, the corporate press is so dishonest that only our deceitful members of Congress are considered less trustworthy. Just 21%
Here is a list of five media personalities and sports figures who fearlessly fought back against the intolerance of woke cancellation forces and managed
As carjacking crimes continue across the area, Chicago police detailed what to do if people find themselves victims of their cars being stolen and how to prevent being involved in that situation.
WASHINGTON DC—Following Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey’s grooming session at a public library, former Vice President Joe Biden appointed him head of the Department of Education.The announcement was made in front of a dozen crying children and their cheering pink haired single mothers.“We don’t have any R
Well, we warned it could happen, especially in deep-blue California. And with the non-stop theatrics about the COVID Delta variant, which is neutralized by all three vaccines, Los Angeles County
In the wake of the 2020 election, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley apparently feared President Trump would attempt a coup and compared President Donald Trump
During a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday, President Joe Biden was asked about Cuba, where people are protesting the oppressive Communist regime. Joe Biden just condemned
Megyn Kelly may have angered the Trump base. She left Fox News when her contract expired, but then had a weird stint at NBC News. She’s been all over the
A new Gallup poll has revealed that Americans have a consistent lack of trust in media, with more than three-quarters of the public not saying they had much confidence in newspapers or television news. 
I’m sick of this COVID nonsense, but like Hunter Biden’s crack cocaine addiction, the liberal media can’t stop using and peddling panic that luckily is losing its effect since we