According to the site’s co-founder, the online encyclopedia has been cut out by left-wing volunteers to provide balance, making Wikipedia unreliable as an unbiased source of information. Larry Sanger, 52, who co-founded Wikipedia with Jimmy Wales in 2001, said the crowdsourcing project betrayed its original mission by reflecting its “founding” view. He agrees that a …
The media continues to sink in trust.
GETTYSBURG, PA - President Biden issued an executive order today instructing the National Park Service to begin tearing down all the monuments at Gettysburg National Military Park so they can be replaced with memorials to all the millions killed by Republican laws asking people to show ID to vote.'These new voting laws are way more deadly than the Civ ...
Los Angeles County is reimplementing its mask mandate indoors — regardless of vaccination status— amid an increase in coronavirus case numbers and concerns over the delta variant, officials announc…
CUBA - After Cubans began protesting for their freedom and over a lack of food and adequate healthcare this week, American socialists announced the country is now officially 'not real Communism.'The Communist Party of Cuba, which we once praised as being a shining example of communism, is no longer real communism now that it is apparent tha ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden said Thursday that the U.S. will bolster security at its embassy in Haiti following last week's assassination of that country's president, but sending American troops to stabilize the country was “not on the agenda.”
The Washington Gazette is your source for the latest political news and national stories as they happen.
Officials are responding to a surge of Delta variant cases.
California lawmakers on Thursday approved the $35 million plan for monthly cash payments to qualifying pregnant people and young adults who recently left foster care with no restrictions on how they spend it.
Los Angeles County is reviving a requirement that masks be worn indoors, regardless of people's vaccination status, according to multiple West Coast reports.
The social media platform Facebook appeared to be issuing new "extremism" warnings to its users in pop-up notifications.
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., outlined steps that the Biden administration can immediately take in order to provide Cubans access to uncensored internet, amid ongoing unrest between anti-communist protestors and supporters of the country's regime.
Iranian journalist Masih Alinejad, a human rights activist and a strong critic of Iran's ruling theocracy, was the target of the Iranian regime, which wanted to murder her
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis and Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez joined Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar, Congressman Carlos Gimenez and FCC
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday called on President Biden needs to help restore internet to Cuba after it was shut down by authorities in an effort to clamp down on the spread of information amid protests that broke out on the island nation.
Digital images of paperwork publicized by Georgia’s new voting law exposed the fact that almost 200 absentee ballots were double-counted in the state during the 2020 presidential election. 
By: Donald J. Trump Arizona Senate hearings on the Maricopa County Election Audit is devastating news to the Radical Left Democrats and the Biden
Democratic Congresswoman Joyce Beatty was arrested in the Hart Senate Office Building Thursday after she led a group of protesters into the building.
Senate Democrats have unveiled their proposal to lift the federal ban on marijuana.
President Biden was asked to comment on his position on protests and unrest in Cuba and critics from the right who said he is soft on communism: NEW!Powerful statement from President Donald J. Trump on Biden's refusal to stand up to the Communist regime in Cuba"Today's Democrat Party is so far left they can't even take a stand against violent Communism. Many are Communists themselves!" pic.twitter.com/QfKGsjVWWN-- Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) July 15, 2021 "Communism is a failed system, universally failed system. I don't see socialism as a very useful substitute, but that's another story," Biden said about communism during a press conference Thursday with German Chancellor Merkel. Joe Biden just condemned Communism and Socialism.That's not going to play well with The Squad. pic.twitter.com/VNnaLZstxQ-- Amy Tarkanian (@MrsT106) July 15, 2021
Republicans in North Carolina have decided to move forward with a bill that would place limitations on teaching critical race theory in schools.
The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has filed a lawsuit Amazon, accusing the e-commerce giants of selling hazardous products to its customers.Among the products cited in the suit by the federal safety watchdog are carbon monoxide detectors that fail to alarm, numerous children's pajamas that could catch fire and nearly 400,000 hair dryers that could electrocute people if dropped in water.
Dominionvoting.com returned with a password needed to proceed to the website.
Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman, one of the newest members of the Squad, unveiled Thursday legislation called "The Green New Deal for Public Schools," a sweeping new progressive vision for upgrading school buildings with green infrastructure and major investments in teaching and learning.
What, are they afraid the Great Whites are gonna get their feelings hurt?