In this wide-ranging conversation, Professor Zegart discusses the US relationship with China and how she views that country’s aggressive stance toward Taiwan; why big tech companies are a potential threat not only to privacy, but also to our national security; and why the next war may well be fought with a keyboard rather than on a battlefield.
On Wednesday's broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "Fox & Friends," Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) stated that he wished the Biden administration denounced | Clips
In response to a reporter’s question, she said the federal government has ramped up its disinformation research and tracking.
Arizona Senate President Karen Fann scheduled a public briefing Thursday with the leaders of the ongoing election audit that she authorized.
ICE officers are ramping up their release or "Alternatives to Detention" capabilities. Cell phones will eventually replace ankle bracelets.
Joe Biden is using the United States Armed Forces to help fly illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S., Fox News's Tucker Carlson said. 
A new report shows that states have passed 90 pro-life laws so far this year.
A Catholic priest, Father Castor Álvarez, was arrested and jailed after being beaten in Camagüey while defending a group of young protesters on Sunday during
Students in Washington DC were confused to see the American flag, which they don't believe is a symbol of freedom, flown by Cuban citizens in recent protests against the communist government. One student suggested Cuban anti-communists should fly the flag of Sweden.
Joe Chenelly, a former U.S. Marine who was there at the beginning as part of the U.S. invasion force into Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, is not happy with how the longest war in America’s history is coming to a close.
Boston Pride, the organization that for decades has organized the city’s annual LGBTQ parade, is dissolving amid a controversy over inclusion, the group’s board of directors said.
Most important moment from Maricopa hearing so far   Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett testified about the difficulties his team is facing finding serial numbers to ensure duplicate ballo…
The Washington Gazette is your source for the latest political news and national stories as they happen.
Jennie Taer Consumers’ Research, a consumer advocacy group, launched a series of advertisements Thursday calling out Coca-Cola’s “woke hypocrisy” for its
Oh, that wasn’t embarrassing at all – a couple days after our glorious FBI, fresh from failing to stop several mass murderers it knew about decided to ask the American people
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday that the White House is working with Facebook to flag disinformation on vaccines.
There is an old saying that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. President Biden surely knows it by heart but doesn’t want to hear it now.
Maine became the fourth state to end the practice, which enables law enforcement to confiscate millions of dollars worth of property without ever filing criminal charges.
An anti-lockdown rally has taken place in Melbourne prior to Victoria's snap lockdown. Around 200 protesters reportedly gathered outside Flinders Street station in the city with some holding Australian flags as they argued against the lockdown. Police were stationed close by as protesters called on Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews to be sacked.
Milley was allegedly so worried that Trump might attempt a coup that he and other service chiefs discussed a plan to resign.
Ailan Evans Several major antitrust lawsuits have been filed against Big Tech since October 2020, with three complaints dismissed since May.“Judicial

Zaila Avant-garde and the Bee

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

By any standard, Zaila Avant-garde is a remarkable 14-year-old girl with a positive and compelling outlook on life.
Minister says he is committed to finding an agreement on corporation tax reform
Hollywood actor, Siaka Massaquoi, a conservative black activist as well as entertainer, filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of