The latest report by Syndicated Analytics titled “Syngas Production Cost Analysis: Capital Investmen
# Potassium Iodide Production Cost Analysis 2024: Price Trends, Raw Materials Costs and Revenue Stat
Ann Coulter has taken her anti-immigration stance to a whole new level. Now, the former Trump enthusiast says that she would be willing to vote for socialist Bernie Sanders if he were to take a hardline stance on immigration.
It's unfortunate that Michael Flynn's life was upended because elites couldn’t let go of power and had to justify a sham investigation.
NORTHBROOK, Ill.—Dylan Buckner’s bedroom looks like a typical teenager’s room, filled with sports trophies and plastered with posters ...
A Texas elementary school is hosting a pride week for students, complete with planned programs from social-emotional learning to teaching students about social justice.
Syndicated Analytics의 최신 보고서 "요오드화 칼륨 생산 비용 분석 보고서 2024년판: 산업 동향, ...

In Depth with Victor Davis Hanson

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Professor Hanson talked about his career and his writings and responded to audience telephone calls, faxes and electronic mail. He is the author of numerous books, including [The Western Way of War;…
Joe Biden owes his nomination to black Democrats, who never joined the revolution led by Sen. Bernie Sanders, closed ranks around the former vice president, and overpowered the rest of the Democratic...
Why would we aspire to make life worse for billions of people?
Colin Kaepernick is still clinging to the dream of playing in the NFL again. He asked teams to bring him in for a workout. Will a team sign Colin Kaepernick?
Afghans stand out among the refugees committing crimes in Austria and elsewhere. Why?
EDITOR’S NOTE: Facebook is cracking down on Conservative content. Many of you have complained that you never see our content in your news feeds. There’s only one way to fight back — and that’s by subscribing to my FREE weekly newsletter. Click here.  I came across this item as I was researching my new book, …

Biden - "You Know the Thing" Remix

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

If you'd like to support more content like this, you can become a patron here (thank you!): https://www.patreon.com/HannahHoffmanMusic Or a one-time Venmo do...
The arduous challenge is required of recruits hoping to graduate from the historically all-male base
Newly released emails reveal the Biden admin lacked school data one day before the CDC issued school reopening guidelines.
During a fawning report on Thursday’s Today show about former Vice President Joe Biden officially entering the 2020 presidential race, NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell briefly noted that the Democratic frontrunner’s first campaign fundraiser will be hosted “At the home of David Cohen, Senior Vice President of Comcast, parent company of NBCUniversal.”
As leftists push to abolish 'The Star-Spangled Banner,' its inspiring lyrics, potential for beauty, and message of resilience deserve to be cheered.
Black Lives Matter and Antifa spoke out against Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler's call to 'unmask' violent protesters.
In a 500-page release, the SEC has proposed significant new public company climate change disclosure requirements for both domestic companies and foreign private issuers, including the actual and pote
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un used luxury stretch limousines when President Donald Trump visited and in a separate meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
TRENTON, N.J. – New Jersey is known for its onerous licensing requirements which make it difficult for working class residents to earn a living. On Monday, the Assembly passed A4225, legislation designed to help those seeking occupational licenses… if they’re Read More
The Daily Fodder is a news website focused on news, nothing more.
Do California's rules violate the dormant commerce clause?
CNN contributor and Democratic strategist Paul Begala told CNN's Chris Cuomo on Monday night that he wants to beat President Donald Trump in 2020 so badly that he would vote for a Democrat who shot his dog if that Democrat could be Trump.