“A lot of things are happening on trade," he says in Manila.
AlHadath News reported; Iran has forced an Algerian tanker to change course and enter the territorial waters of Iran   #الجزائر — الوكالة الرسمية: إيران أرغمت ناقلة جزائرية على تغيير مسارها ود…
Donald Trump Jr. said Joe Biden "shipped more jobs to China than probably any human being alive" while decimating the middle class.
On Saturday, the Hill observed that the Democrats' pursuit of new gun laws has cost them elections in the past. 
"Should we pass a law saying you can’t abort a child because you found out that child’s going to be gay?"

David Duke praises Rep. Ilhan Omar

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Rep. Ilhan Omar, Minnesota Democrat, has an ally of a new stripe in the furor over her use of anti-Semitic tropes regarding Israel and its American supporters — David Duke.
The city will open three organized camps for homeless people during coronavirus -- an unprecedented step for a city that has long resisted sanctioned camping.
A group of atheists filed a lawsuit Tuesday to remove the phrase “In God We Trust” from Mississippi’s official state license plates.
Nancy Pelosi’s husband killed his older brother when he flipped his sports car in California — 65 years before he was arrested over the weekend and charged with drunk driving, newspaper…
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) has filed a motion to try to force Speaker John Boehner from his leadership post. The action, called a motion to vacate the chair, has never been successfully used to depose a speaker. And most Republicans say Meadows would have a tough time finding the requisite votes to overthrow Boehner. Also on POLITICO McConnell...
District of Columbia — Judge Timothy Kelly of the District of Columbia District Court ruled in favor of the Trump Administration on Wednesday regarding a new rule stating that individuals are…
The change was part of a new law Gov. Phil Murphy recently signed.
Prior to the liberalization of our United States Defense Department, you were asked a simple questio
Florida is set to issue a formal report questioning the science behind "gender-affirming" care for people who believe they are transgender. 
High school diplomas all across New York state will soon be meaningless if the Board of Regents gets away with scrapping a requirement for students that dates back more than 150 years: passing seve…
Imagine you were at a restaurant and BLM-Antifa protesters descended on you, threw your food on the ground, broke plates, overturned chairs, tossed a potted plant into your oyster platter and force…

Building a global storm database

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Mesoscale convective systems are a class of large storms, ranging in size from approximately 10 to 1,000 kilometers, that play a key role in Earth'...
"Real Time" host Bill Maher says Republicans will "steal" the issue of marijuana legalization from Democrats, citing former House Speaker John Boehner entering the pot business.
The biggest voting-law case in 60 years, Evenwel v. Abbott, looks as if it could fundamentally transform the political layout of the country. The plaintiffs in are challenging the traditional way of drawing electoral districts, which they argue has been unconstitutionally cutting off the political power of rural and suburban voters for decades.
Residents of the Swedish city of Oskarshamn will now have the option to be accompanied by armed police officers.
James Comey has as much credibility as a frog has feathers
Some private gym owners in San Francisco are incensed after learning that gyms in government buildings have been open for some time, despite coronavirus lockdown edicts that have kept private gyms shuttered. Daniele Rabkin from Crossfit Golden Gate told NBC Bay Area that such a revelation made her angry, especially after she had tried so […]
California will soon pay the health care bills for low-income people 50 and older who are living in the country illegally as part of an expansion of Medicaid.