During an interview aired on Friday's broadcast of Bloomberg's "Wall Street Week," Steve Rattner, who served as counselor to the Treasury Secretary in the | Clips

Scott Walker for America

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Lets Get to Work
Sure, we'd all be better off if Morrissey just shut up, but he does say something stupid nearly every week, so we in the news business are OK with him flapping his gums.
U.S.—With the Democratic primary debates in full swing, many fact-checking websites are preparing to review candidates’ statements for accuracy. Thankfully, Snopes, the most unbiased fact-checking website ever, has found a way to expedite their evaluation process.Since their original founding in 1957 by the KGB, Snopes has gained a reputation …
It's horrible but true: the left is normalizing pedophilia and lowering the punishment for child molesters. Read more about this horrific issue here!
The "Shrunken Zombie Head" drink at Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar has been renamed as cultural sensitivity changes continue.
This latest migrant caravan seems to have been organized by Centro de Dignificación Humana, a Mexican leftist group that has been involved in several caravans over the past couple years.

Mark Levin interviews Donald Trump

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Mark Levin interviewed Donald Trump tonight, giving Trump a chance to answer questions across the gamut, from income taxes to foreign policy. The most interesting question I think came close to the...
Garrison Keillor has been fired by Minnesota Public Radio over allegations of inappropriate behavior, he told the Associated Press today.
Rod Thomson “There is no essential moral difference between class-warfare and race-warfare, between destroying a class and destroying a race.” That’s from Paul Johnson, maybe the preeminent historian of the 20th Century and as non-political as you can get, from
Former Defense Secretary James Mattis told then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats that President Trump was “dangerous” and “unfit,” according to excerpts from Bob Woodward’s upcoming book “Rage.”
The child rights body had on May 29 asked the Delhi Police to book Twitter India under three sections of the POCSO Act, after claiming that it had conducted an inquiry and had found child sexual abuse material on the platform.
Jane’s Revenge has claimed responsibility for vandalizing several pro-life pregnancy centers in recent weeks.
The New York Giants defensive lineman who protested the national anthem during the Thanksgiving Day night game against the Washington Redskins has a message for fans who don’t like it. STAY HOME! Oliver Vernon was blasted by many – including President Trump – who tweeted: https://twitter.co
Democratic Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard says 'identity politics' is one of the biggest problems in America at the moment.
CLAIM: The Obama-Biden White House depleted and did not replenish the nation's emergency stockpile of medical supplies, including N95 masks. Joe Biden is attempting to rewrite history, pretending that he and
Fox News Tucker Carlson says the NSA is monitoring his communications in an attempt to take his show off the air. "Now, that's a shocking claim and
President Joe Biden agreed to demands issued by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, three of Bolsonaro's cabinet members reportedly told The Associated Press.
U.S. President Donald Trump imposed a freeze on all Venezuelan government assets...
Suddenly Biden campaign is awash with cash. Are the BLM protest/riots feeding this newfound Democrats campaign money? If so, why would they want to stop them?
Woke mobs have ripped down statues of the Queen, her ancestor Queen Victoria, and explorer Captain James Cook in Canada.
Ex-Dominion Employee Has Fulton County
The Detroit police chief has called on the law-abiding people of his community to arm themselves. Now, James Craig says his city has seen a drop in crime of 12%, as Detroit moves lower on the list of America's deadliest cities.
Courtney Morse alleges that Conyers propositioned her when she was an intern.
BEIJING (AP) — Chinese imports of American goods plunged in July as a tariff war with Washington intensified. Imports of U.S. goods fell 19% from a year earlier to $10.9 billion, customs...