Attacks on Trump critics fit into a media worldview. Attacks by Trump critics do not.
Standing their ground and protecting their community.
(Joe Hoft) Amerca’s Frontline Doctors, the courageous group of doctors who spoke out against the government’s irresponsible and damaging COVID responses, had their website taken down by Amazon.
Sebastian Hughes Former President Donald Trump is reportedly considering New York Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik to be his vice presidential nominee,
Navid Yeasin has sued alleging that his expulsion over tweets insulting his girlfriend violates his free speech.
If you disagreed with the Obama administration’s prioritization of carbon, but still consider yourself an environmentalist, then you may have an ally in the White House.
Call of Duty’s subtle criticism of communism hasn’t gone unnoticed by the media.
Sources in the DA’s offices insisted that in many cases, the evidence was not strong enough for proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - A senile old man in Washington who has a deadly nuclear arsenal at his fingertips is calling for dangerous weapons to be taken out of the hands of the mentally unstable.'Listen, folks, this shouldn't be difficult,' said the yammering old geriatric to a duck in the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. 'The mentally un ...
Rand Paul criticized the GOP for running away from abortion and said "There is no reason...to have Planned Parenthood, other than abortion"
A week ago today, I drove through a downpour to hear former Congressman Dennis Kucinich speak to about 40 rain-soaked people and to chat with him afterward. I’d never met him. It was an encounter with one of the last honest men in American politics. VIDEO: Dennis Kucinich is comfortable standing alone I know that many people see the former Cleveland mayor and two-time candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination as a far-out leftie, but I don’t think that’s quite right. I see him as an individualist with profound doubts about two things that don’t get questioned a lot in our politics: foreign military entanglements and the national security apparatus, or what has lately been called the “Deep State.” Kucinich is 71 now, his national candidacies behind him, and gerrymandered out
The world's most famous gamer, Tyler "Ninja" Blevins, revealed -- while streaming "Fortnite" on Twitch -- that his mom chose life after doctors were pressuring her to get an abortion.

Donald Trump saved Kenosha. Period

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

President Trump was right to visit Kenosha on Tuesday as his actions helped save the people of that great city.
The public school system in the United States lost nearly 1.3 million students over the 2020-21 school year.
Concerns about the military's "wokeness" are growing thanks to a video of a junior officer cursing out her superior.
A report made by MPI further shreds Chuck Todd’s assertion on NBC's "Meet The Press" last Sun. that he and his staff.
Canada has, it seems, gone insane. Not much more insane than us, mind you. Canada, like Europe, is just a few train cars ahead of us, but we are all in the same train and on the same track, headed to the same ultimate destination.
NEW YORK – An Indian American family's car dealership was set ablaze by rioters in the protest-hit city of Kenosha, Wisconsin, destroying nearly 100 vehicles and causing damages worth $2.5
Homeland Security will allow some illegal immigrants ousted under the Trump administration to reenter the U.S and renew their cases, according to a news report Tuesday.
The decriminalization of small amounts of illicit substances – such as illicit fentanyl, heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine – in B.C. is made possible by an exemption from federal drug law. It will take effect Jan. 31, 2023
In a move unprecedented in the history of the House of Representatives, a Republican lawmaker filed a motion Tuesday to remove House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, from his post, in the latest sign of dissatisfaction by some House conservatives with Boehner’s leadership.
The Pentagon has started research to develop a missile banned by an arms treaty with Russia in an effort to get Moscow back into compliance with the treaty, 
A law professor who teaches a class on judgment wouldn’t seem like an obvious mark, would he?
Team Trump came out swinging this weekend and unveiled two devastating ads targeting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. “Stop Joe Biden and his rioters – You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America” The Trump campaign is doing an excellent job linking Biden and Harris to the BLM-Antifa rioters. Joe Biden called the rioters “mostly…
Upper West Side block association president Joseph Bolanos was tarred and feathered by the FBI — all because he was at Donald Trump’s rally on the day of the Capitol seige on Jan. 6, 20…