
Martyrs win the culture wars

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

If Roe falls, progressives will make new martyrs out of any woman who dies from an outlawed procedure. Such victims cleared the way for Roe
Donald Trump may be the most sensible Republican in the race, at least on foreign policy.
As more and more leftist activists were starting to accept the idea for pressing charges for defamation on the president for the alleged “insults” he tweets, the court of appeals ?
A former dean of the Yale Law School sounds a warning.
Multiple law enforcement sources say detectives in Lynwood are increasingly confident that a suspected carjacker, who led LA County Sheriff’s Department deputies on a high speed chase Tuesday, is connected with last weekend’s attack on two transit patrol deputies who were shot while seated in a patrol car in Compton. The person being chased was driving a light blue Toyota…
Avenatti, who represented porn star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against former President Trump, is still facing two pending federal criminal trials.
It’s a blatant violation of the Hatch Act, which forbids government employees from engaging in most political activism.
A former MSNBC employee who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment in 1999 was given a separation payment by the network, according to a 
The Israeli government decided Friday to allow Rep. Rashida Tlaib to enter the country to visit her Palestinian relatives in the West Bank.
A bail fund supported by Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris helped a man accused of sexually assaulting an eight-year-old girl get out of jail.
Michigan's attorney general, with assistance from police officers, will investigate people who claimed election fraud happened during the ...
A directive issued by L.A. County D.A. George Gascon in 2020 means the county will pay for the funeral of the suspect who killed two El Monte police officers.
Just when you thought campus rape hysteria could not grow more absurd, along comes Colorado Democrat Jared Polis.
Slate.com is proving that those who believe that far-left progressives have their own brand of puritanism have a point. This puritanism largely, but not totally (because we can never forget their fervent desire to serve as everyone's Thought Police), explains the website's recent ridiculous attacks on the TV show Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and on the Hallmark Channel's runaway success with Christmas-themed movies.
A winning strategy?
Twitter has once again added a "fact check" label to one of President Trump's tweets warning about the potential for fraud with mass-mailed ballots in the upcoming election.
Thousands of Cuban protesters have taken to the streets demanding an end to the country's communist dictatorship.
Op-Ed By Kevin Roberts  It’s been said that America can always be counted on to do the right thing, once we have exhausted all the other alternatives. As
On Thursday, the United Nations voted 128-9 to condemn President Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as well as his declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
NBC News Repeats Chinese Communist Party Propaganda in Hit Piece on The Epoch Times
The fascist left regularly typifies the very qualities it professes to abhor. The only thing more pronounced than its totalitarianism is its stunning lack of self-awareness.It's ironic that leftists think
A Chicago rapper was gunned down in a hail of bullets moments after he walked out of jail and had been fitted for an ankle bracelet, reports said.
Dave Chappelle turned down getting his name associated with a performing arts theater that newly opened at his alma mater, upon receiving huge criticism
Residents of Baghdad have erected a 30-foot-tall Christmas tree to celebrate Christmas and to mark the end of the terror army ISIS.
Mainstream news coverage does not reflect the political make-up of the Democrats and Republicans in ...