Turning the page away from the politicization of investigations.
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said Thursday he hopes he can avoid getting “baited” into a “brawl” with President Trump when the two face off against each other in three general election debates in the coming weeks.
Joe Biden is pursuing a policy of national suicide, vividly symbolized by the flying of Black Lives Matter flags atop U.S. embassies.
Kimmel, who once warned his audience about 'fascists,' asks Biden why he isn’t unilaterally dismantling a constitutional right.
Trump is not 'shrinking a monument', he's reversing a shameless federal land grab, At the request of the state in which it's located, Bears Ears, Grand Staircase-Escalante
Here’s some advice for incoming college students: If you want to be really radical, be a conservative. New students entering college immediately encounter this paradox: If the Left prevails, how can embracing it be rebellion? Common sense tells us it...

Antifa for Biden | Spectator USA

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Biden wants to end ‘this chapter of American darkness’. Me and my antifa brethren will make that happen, one flaming protester at a time
“She claimed the Border Patrol treated these illegal immigrants with zero compassion and humanity,” Homan added. “And one thing she didn’t do while she was
The longer we wait to begin our inflation descent, the harder the landing will have to be.
Senior staff at the U.S. Embassy to Japan, including Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, have used personal email accounts for official business, an internal watchdog said in a report Tuesday.
(CNN Money) -- Toys "R" Us has won approval to pay $16 million in bonuses to 17 top executives if the company hits financial targets during the holiday shopping season. The bankruptcy court trustee Judy Robbins, a Justice department attorney who represents the interest of creditors, had argued that the proposed bonuses were excessive and were little more than retention bonuses meant to keep the executives from jumping ship due to uncertainty about the company's future.
As presidential candidates promise to refuse so-called “dark money” and Members of Congress decry the role of money in politics, a Special Report from CRC dispels one of the biggest myths in political discourse: the Left doesn’t use “dark money.”…
Oh, boy, do I have a story for you. Who doesn't love Las Vegas? It's America's favorite city. It may be the world's favorite city. It's my adopted hometown for
On Christmas, we don’t say, “Happy December 25th!” We say, “Merry Christmas!” On Halloween, we don’t say, “Happy October 31st!” We say, “Happy Halloween!”So why is it that more and
The Russian people remain open-minded and non-biased towards their geopolitical opponents’ people and companies despite those two’s governments attempting
A “person of interest” in connection with the Friday night execution style murder of a Texas sheriff's deputy is currently in custody at the Harris County Sheriff’s Office.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

The nation's first African-American president was a disaster for black wealth.


Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Source document contributed to DocumentCloud by Adam Klasfeld (Courthouse News).
ig Tech giants often portray themselves as having redefined the free speech landscape in America, amplifying voices and views that otherwise would have no platform. Thanks to platforms like Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg said a year ago, “people no longer have to rely on traditional gatekeepers in politics or media to make their voices heard.” But …
American universities have made it a part of their mission to embrace so-called diversity. Through a combination of outreach groups, equity officers (so
DeSantis’s not-yet-introduced legislation offers a blueprint for opening up the university’s intellectual monoculture while still respecting academic freedom.
It has been several days since video was released showing how Mesa Police murdered an unarmed and innocent man while he crawled on his knees crying and begging for his life.
Most “Assault Rifles” Aren’t. They are sporting rifles, often of insufficient lethality to be used for hunting.
I mean, Rachel Dolezal scandals are just great. It’s not just highly entertaining. It makes a total mockery of liberal America. It shows how un-serious this whole movement is when
A Northern California homeowner fatally shot an armed man – who was on parole for another home invasion – after he kicked down the homeowner’s door Tuesday morning, police say.