Alvin Bragg and his office had faced widespread backlash after Jose Alba was charged with fatally stabbing violent ex-con, Austin Simon, 35, who had attacked him inside the bodega on July 1.
"It's really the equivalent..."
I’m a conservative student at UCLA and a member of the Bruin Republicans. Last week, my club invited Milo Yiannopoulos to speak on campus as a fundraiser for our group. About 24 hours after making his invitation public, the leadership of the Bruin Republicans changed their minds and rescinded the invitation. Here’s what happened. When the Bruin Republicans announced their decision to invite Yiannopoulos, and that his talk would be called “10 Things I Hate About Mexico,” I was distraught. Not because Yiannopoulos would be speaking on campus—it’s a free country and he has the right to say what he wants to, where he wants to, no matter how puerile or malicious he is. My objection was that I didn’t want my club hosting him. The question goes to the issue of why the Bruin Republicans exist. Is the club’s mission simply to provoke people? If so, Yiannopoulos would make perfect sense as a speaker. But then, so would Richard Spencer. Or Chris Cantwell. Or Ward Churchill. Provocation has an absolute value sign around it and once you make that your guidestar, there is no logical way to differentiate between provocateurs.
As Democrats and the mainstream media focus on impeaching President Donald Trump, many in the business world – including American-made businesses, women entrepreneurs and minorities – have reason to celebrate the president, as they are flourishing financially like never before.
On Wednesday night, a candidate for mayor in the city of Carrollton, Texas was arrested after he was caught forging at least 84 voter registration
Please come together for the common good.
Diesel fuel prices have skyrocketed over the last year, much higher than regular gas prices. And because the ships and trucks that deliver goods throughout most of the country rely on diesel, those fuel costs are passed on to the consumer, a contributing factor in the 40-year-high inflation that has plagued the United States. “People […]
Pte Frederick Davies of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers wrote home about life on the western Front, in correspondence donated to the Imperial War Museum
President Trump gave a left-wing heckler the boot from his highly-anticipated speech at the 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference Friday...
America: One Election Away from Socialism Fergus Hodgson, October 2, 2019
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) has appeared to join a growing list of Democrats blaming President Trump for an alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D).
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was pressed on whether her husband has made stock purchases based on information she gave him, prompting her to say, "Absolutely not."
by Brian Hayes | Top Right News Not again! On Sunday, we reported on Bernie Sander's mind-blowing, economically-illiterate Tweet regarding student loans, for which he was roasted within minutes.
An Ohio Sheriff is offering free gun training to teachers in response to the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 dead. 
For some time now, Morning Joe has been consumed by a visceral hatred of all things Trump. Today's show offered up yet two more examples. First, Donny Deutsch claimed "if you know Donald Trump, you know there isn't anyone he wouldn't throw -- he would throw his family under the bus. And I don't say that glibly." Joe Scarborough heartily agreed: "well of course!" A bit later, when Deutsch accused Scarborough of mocking melanoma, Scarborough replied: "I didn't mock cancer. I thought you were talking about your girlfriend, Melanomia."
Game five of the NBA Finals had bad TV ratings Friday night when the Heat beat the Lakers. The game had 5.7 million total viewers on ABC in the early numbers.
This week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis threatened to withhold the salaries of county school board members and superintendents who defied his executive order
I’ve long gotten over the idea that media will ever be objective, but you would think they’d at least try to do a better job of obfuscating their bias, right? Apparently not. When gas pric...
On Tuesday in South Africa, a shocking vote in the National Assembly ruled that white South African farmers will be removed from their land.
It's amazing what a little friendly persuasion will do. Mexican military police stopped and turned back a caravan of about 2,000 migrants in Southern Mexico who were headed for the U.S. border. The Trump administration had threatened to slap tariffs on Mexican goods unless they did something to s...
Republican congressional candidate Joe E. Collins III rolled out a new ad campaign Saturday against his opponent Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA).
There is always the risk of taking fools and liars more seriously than they deserve. But then again Google-owned YouTube deserves every shred of scorn and ridicule we can still muster in these crazy, exhausting times.
In addition to his hilarious Florida ads, California Gov. Gavin Newsom is now taking out advertisements in Texas.
Thousands and thousands come to see Trump in Lowell, Massachusetts.