John Kelly says he made 'immediate changes' when he noticed handling of classified materials at White House was not 'up to the standards I was used to at the Department of Defense'
In the face of critics bent on suppression, he tells it as he sees it.
When a blind Chinese activist named Chen Guangcheng spoke at the Republican National Convention praising Trump for standing up to the Beijing regime in August, many Democrats called him ungrateful, as the Chinese lawyer and pro-life activist who exposed the evils of the one-child policy implemented in his hometown of Linyi was rescued from China […]
The new meltdown over Governor Ron DeSantis's management of COVID-19 in Florida could be the most ridiculous one to date.
When inflation increases the cost of necessities like food and energy, it draws spending away from other parts of the economy. This dynamic – often referred to as the “inflation tax” – is now expected to take a big bite out of Walmart’s earnings.
A new inspector general report faults the leadership at the State Department.
The horrific shooting in Parkland, Florida, gave Hollywood the perfect excuse to gloss over its own sins in favor of bashing the NRA and going super-preachy and elitist... while being surrounded by armed security on all sides. The #MeToo movement in Hollywood is dead by irony, and the Academy ...
According to Paulina Neuding, anti-Semitism comes mainly from Sweden's migrant communities
Missing from Biden's speech Monday was any admittance that the withdrawal was completely botched and left thousands scrambling for their lives.
The tyre manufacturing plant project report covers industry performance, manufacturing requirements, project cost, project economics, profit margins, key success and risk factors, expected returns on investment, etc. This report is a must-read for all those who have any kind of stake in the tyre industry.
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz is hoping to beat expectations in New Hampshire, a state where his fire-breathing brand of evangelically tinged conservatism has not traditionally been an ideal fit
Reyhaneh Jabbari Executed in Iran under Sharia law. This is the story of the execution of a 19-year-old student who was at the wrong place at the wrong time Under Sharia law in Iran a woman is considered half of a man, therefore a woman in Shari'a court should bring at least 2 male witnesses who support her testimony so that the court will give her the right to speak. The Western world ignores the brutal persecution of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Why is the world silent? Where are all women's organizations in the Western world?...

The Liberation of Mitt Romney

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

The newly rebellious senator has become an outspoken dissident in Trump’s Republican Party, just in time for the president’s impeachment trial.
The details reported herein, gleaned from a laptop abandoned at a Delaware computer-repair shop, might come as a shock, though we imagine they will be immediately ignored by the MSM...
Comedian and actor Sean Lock died at the age of 58
Economists expected the economy to grow at a 0.4% annualized pace.
Ted Cruz is absolutely killing the GOP debate, with grand slams all around. On this question of how to stop mass gun shootings, he rips it up. Watch below: What was impressive about this answer is …
Liberals and leftists in the West use the made up term "Islamophobia" to portray anyone who criticizes Islam as a "racist". Radical Muslim terrorists all over the world carry out terror attacks "in the name of Allah". They justify their violence by quoting verses from the Quran. Islamophobia is a made up word created by the Muslim Brotherhood specifically to silence debate. Liberals and leftists ignore the fact that Islam is an ideology that has nothing to do with race. It's a buzzword used in an attempt to silence anyone, whenever had legit questions or criticisms about the religion. Islam is not a race. It's a religion. There is an attempt in the West to impose a sharia-blasphemy law to criminalize criticism of Islam....
The Trump administration is touting its success running a program it has actively tried to end, as a number of ObamaCare plans will be cheaper in the upcoming open enrollment period.
Project Veritas captured footage of a Colorado Democrat Party member sharing his willingness to do anything, including lie & cheat, to win the 2020 race.
U.S. health officials on Wednesday formally recommended booster shots for fully vaccinated individuals after 8 months.
Social media users are divided over the Ukrainian president and first lady's recent Vogue photoshoot as the war enters its sixth month. #TheCube
For Bernie Sanders, the top question is much more positive.
Sunday’s New York Times Magazine explored “25 Songs That Tell Us Where Music Is Going.” Part of the answer was there were too many white girls badly trying to appropriate black music, singling out Katy Perry and Taylor Swift, because "some white artists and listeners love black culture without necessarily seeing black people, their politics, or their pain."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn't know how the First Amendment works.