Meredith Fuchs is just the latest departure from the young agency.
Rep. Mark Amodei (R-Nev.) told a local news station that there is a “rumor” that Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) will resign and be replaced by Rep. Steve Scalise
President Trump on Monday demanded that the anonymous whistleblower who raised an alarm about his contacts with Ukraine testify.
Masvidal was born and raised in Miami, Florida, his father came from Communist Cuba and was raised to reject Communism and Socialism which is why Jorge supports the Republican Ticket.
President Biden raised eyebrows on Thursday as he began taking questions from reporters for the first time since the Kabul terror attacks.
“If the president is working so hard to free someone who is in jail in Russia for some weed, shouldn’t we free people in America?” the Tesla CEO asked on an episode of the “…
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson announced Wednesday that he sees no “political path forward” after his Super Tuesday losses -- and will not attend the upcoming Fox News debate.
Thanks to Congress and President Trump, budget deficits will only mushroom.

Why Hunter? | National Review

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

An ineffectual spotlight on Hunter Biden is what you get from a campaign that is informed only by its id.
Comedian Bill Maher delivered a stinging message for liberals on his HBO show Friday, explaining the "lesson of Afghanistan" is that actual oppression does not, for the most part, exist in America, despite claims from progressives.Maher began his closing segment by relaying sentiment from immigrants...
The frightening and contradictory ways that Donald Trump would lead America’s armed forces.
Last week, a group of 16 actresses, including Sarah Jessica Parker, Jane Fonda, Natalie Portman, Lily Tomlin, Amy Poehler, Reese Witherspoon, Brie Larson, Debra Messing, Ashley Judd and Sarah Silverman, decided to take their campaign against sexual harassment to New York, sending a letter to New
NEW YORK, NY—The country has been faced with a severe shortage of Democratic candidates. With only 5,762 candidates left to choose from, Democrats were beginning to worry they might not be able to find the worst possible candidate to challenge Donald Trump.The crisis came to a breaking point last week when Beto O'Rourke dropped out of the race, leavi …
San Francisco supervisors passed the bill (CAREN) that will make false racially-charged 911 reports illegal.
The United States military has carried out a drone strike against an alleged ISIS-K “planner” following a suicide bombing in Kabul that killed 13 American soldiers and at least 70 Afghans.
The gcc power banks market report provides a deep and thorough evaluation of the market, including value and volume trends and pricing history. Growth-inducing factors, market restraints and recent developments have also been analyzed in the report in order to provide deeper knowledge about the industry.

Did Trump Pivot Too Early?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

On a lackluster evening for Donald Trump, one fact stands out as particularly ominous: Trump won a massive victory among people who voted early in Louisiana. But among those who went to the ballot box on election day itself, Trump tied with Ted Cruz. That strongly suggests that Trump's campaign is taking on water. Trump's evidently declining support probably has something to do with the sustained fire he's been receiving from Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. (Though those attacks have done nothing to buoy Rubio himself.) But Trump may have also made a political miscalculation over the past week or so, as well. He's become so confident in winning the Republican nomination, it appears, that he's aggressively moving to the political center. He's shaking the famed etch-a-sketch.
Meanwhile, the left melts down over gun control
But the biggest increase, up 26.5%, was in people ages 25 to 44.
Withdrawal should not end U.S. engagement in Afghanistan
The agency’s snooping powers — domestic surveillance to protect national security — should be removed from the FBI’s law enforcement duties, and located elsewhere in the executive branch.
National Security: The Washington Post, of all places, found that not only did Hillary Clinton send and receive classified material on her unsecured email server as Secretary of State, she wrote do…
You own an artisanal bakery that makes the best $2 baguettes in town. Business is booming. In fact, business is so good that a German bakery opens up across the street. You’re not worried: their $3 baguettes are good, but not that