Insects, which pollinate flowers and break down waste, are crucial.
A certified city-wide poll watcher in the critical swing state of Pennsylvania was denied access to a polling station. The video reveals the individual, who’s seen with a Watcher’s Certificate…
Street racing in Chicago, often in stolen cars, has become yet another major problem in Chiraq as the police have been completely crippled in their ability to deal with crime.
"For me, it's about the children and the grandchildren."
Republican lawmakers from the failed "Never Trump" movement are spearheading the effort to force a vote in the House to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.
The House Judiciary Committee is investigating whether or not Attorney General Eric Holder lied under oath during his testimony to them two weeks ago. If it determines that he did, Holder could face five years in prison. It very well may. He almost certainly won't.
Seven states and one congressional district are still hanging in the electoral balance as the country anxiously awaits the final results of the 2020 race. The 2020 election was upended by the coron…
During an appearance on FNC's "Hannity," Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) noted all of the problems facing the country under the leadership of President Joe Biden. | Clips
Dr. Bandy Lee, a forensic psychiatrist and former Yale voluntary professor, attempted to regain her position by filing a lawsuit against the university after her reappointment was denied. Lee was accused of abusing her professional responsibilities by diagnosing former President Donald Trump as "del...
The leading pro-life group in Oregon today issued its endorsement for pro-life Republican candidate Ted Cruz for President. Oregon Right to Life says Cruz has a
Former CIA Director-turned-Twitter troll, John Brennan lashed out at Trump on Sunday evening after the President ordered the DOJ to investigate the FBI’s infiltration of his campaign. Brennan also fired a warning shot to House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, claiming they will ‘bear the majority of the responsibility of the …
Democrats should learn lessons from the impeachment of Andrew Johnson.
KATHY Griffin has re-tweeted her controversial Donald Trump severed head photo after the president claimed victory in the election. The picture shows a stony-faced Griffin holding an effigy of Trum…
The 2020 presidential election was a total fiasco. It was the biggest evidence of political manipulation and voter fraud in our nation’s history. Simply put, despite the corrupt mainstream media’s …
Missouri Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill trails not one but two Republican challengers in head-to-head matchups, according to a poll released Tuesday. - claire mccaskill | 2018 Elections
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Having just made the historic step of impeaching President Trump, the freshman Democrats in Congress knew exactly what they wanted to do next: “Let's impeach him again!” they cried.Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi did not seem pleased by this. “You had your impeachment; now let’s move on to other things.&rdqu …
The Nevada Republican Party has sent a criminal complaint to Attorney General Wiliam Barr alleging more than 3,000 instances of widespread voter fraud in the state. President Trump has been
The US premium cosmetics market report provides a deep and thorough evaluation of the market, including value and volume trends and pricing history. Growth-inducing factors, market restraints and recent developments have also been analyzed in the report in order to provide deeper knowledge about the industry.
Triumph discusses gender identity, micro aggressions and trigger warnings with young college voters as part of Triumph's Election Special 2016, now streaming...
Congressional Republicans appear poised to take another shot at repealing and replacing ObamaCare -- in an critical, election year in which Democrats are blaming the GOP for escalating health insurance costs.
Democrat presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg claims "21 students are shot every day" under President Trump.
Former The Tonight Show head writer Rebecca Drysdale reveals sketches on US President Donald Trump has led to 'divided creative teams, anxiety, tears, and pain.'