While the media continues to claim prescription drug prices are rising, a recent Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) paper shows the opposite.
This was Donald Trump’s best presidential debate ever. His GOP primary debates in 2016 were of a different sort, for...
"The Five" speculates about Kamala Harris' whereabouts, with co-host Will Cain predicting she will re-emerge from hiding when she's ready to face the fact that she was used for votes.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic
The University System of Georgia's Board of Regents voted to adopt new policies.
Total: 607 Facebook Twitter Print EmailIt’s like the old saying of city government goes: if at first you don’t succeed, tax something that is succeeding. Members of the Washington, D.C. government have suggested a way to prop up its failing Metro system while hamstringing its competitor. Mayor Muriel Bowser recently proposed a nearly 400 percent ?
But you sure wouldn't know that by reading WaPo's headline or the first 14 paragraphs.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Wednesday that President Joe Biden would not be impeached because both the House and Senate are Democrat-controlled.
President Joe Biden has claimed that the new Inflation Reduction Act, which now has nothing to do with controlling runaway inflation as Democrats make
Frank shares his opinion on Hilary Clinton
Missouri state senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal called for reparations for former slaves on Tuesday, and took a swipe at her own party's US Senator in the same breath. While declaring there's "no difference" between white Democrats and Republicans, Chappelle-Nadal said that "neither one of them give a heck about the black community, only the votes." Chappelle-Nadal spoke from the Senate floor, saying that she listens to the needs of her constituents who aren't benefitting from tax cuts. She also said the black children in her district are at a disadvantage; and the senator believes reparations would help, even though she recognizes legislation supporting it would likely never pass. Recalling her own ancestors who were slaves in the state, Chappelle-Nadal pleaded: "In Boone County, Missouri, in Callaway County, Missouri what my family contributed to making the state what it is today is incredible, and my family deserves way more than what it is getting today." She …
House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) "acted in concert" with Politico to leak allegedly false information to...
Andrew Trunsky  The Taliban Monday claimed victory after taking control of Afghanistan’s Panjshir province, the last of 34 areas that was resisting the
Dinesh D'Souza's new film, "The Secret History of the Democrat Party: Hillary's America" goes where few American educational institutions go anymore.
AMBERSON, Pa. — “IMPEACHMENT NOW MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN 2018” blares the all-capital letters on a massive billboard along the Pennsylvania Turnpike. It’s a surprising contrast to the thousands of…
Thomas Osadzinski, a student at Chicago's DePaul University, was charged in a federal criminal complaint with attempting to support ISIS.
President Trump’s campaign swing through New England included a stop at a Maine orchard, where he signed pumpkins and hats for supporters on Sunday afternoon. “That’ll be on eBay tonight,” Tr…
Twitter has suspended the official press account of J.D. Vance, a contender in the Republican primary for Ohio’s Senate race in the midterm elections.
WASHINGTON (TND) — The Central Intelligence Agency reportedly hadcredible evidence that at least 10 members of its staff, some of whom were contracted employees, committed sex crimes involving children, but only one individual was ever charged.
Forever 21 has vowed to stop selling a T-shirt that says “Don’t say maybe if you want to say no” after people called it a display of “rape culture” and “victim-blaming.”
British people are heading to the polls as Parliament finally supported a December 12th general election last week. What is already…
We may be on the road to having a president who is not elected by the will of the people, but by unelected judges.

Recall Newsom, rescue California

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

If the most recent poll on the Sept. 14 gubernatorial-recall election in California is to be believed, a majority of voters there approve of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s job performance and are set to leave him in office.