Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
How the foundation-NGO complex quashed innovative thinking and open debate, first on the American right and now on the center left
American Thinker-> The polls were unanimous that the leftist Labor Party was going to defeat the conservatives (confusingly called “The Liberal Party”) in yesterday’s election and take over the government of Australia. As with the inevitable Hillary Clinton presidency, the polls were wrong. While any election is decided on multiple issues, especially in a continent-sized nation...
As the NBA and MLB return from their coronavirus-imposed hiatus, it appears TV viewers are not interested in what the increasingly woke
Artur Pawlowski is charged with "inciting or inviting others to attend an illegal public gathering" aka church.
The president offered a handshake to thin air as he finished his remarks, practically looking like he was trying to shake hands with a ghost.
A toddler’s bones dating back to 1884 were found spilled outside her cast iron casket, pictured, and the uniform buried with a soldier in another plot was found lying on the ground, authorities in east Georgia say.
On Tuesday, pro-abortion feminists berated a peaceful pro-life protester, Live Action's Alison Centofante, at a #StopTheBan rally in Washington, D.C.
The world is entering a transformative era. Prepare for more chaos and instability.
Former President Donald Trump slammed the Biden administration for failing to stand up for Israel after it was attacked by the militant Palestinian group Hamas this Read More
As The Daily Wire reported this week, NPR has issued a "Guidance Reminder" instructing journalists on which words and phrases they should avoid, and which they should
Warren Davidson proposed legislation that would fire Dr. Anthony Fauci from his position as the director of the NIAID.
A Gallup poll found that 61 percent of Black Americans said they would like police to spend the same amount of time in their community, while 20 percent answered that they'd like to see more police.
Shawn Shirazi is angry about cultural relativism and the growing unwillingness of people here to criticize radical Islam for fear of being labelled racist or Islamophobic.
The maiden speech is a Senate tradition where new Senators set the tone for their term by taking to the floor to deliver their first major address.
Karen Bass's decades-long association with communists, membership in a communist front group, and praise for her communist mentor contradict her claim that she is "not a communist."
House Republicans voted to make Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) the new GOP Conference Chair, the third-highest position in House Republican leadership, after overwhelmingly voting to remove Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) from the position earlier this week.
But since the biggest factors in economic performance are mostly outside of the control of politicians, fairy tales may be all politics can offer.
I don’t agree with everything in the infamous “Google Memo” written by James Damore, but I can understand why one might write such a memo after sitting through one too many training sessions on unconscious bias. I’m a professor in a STEM discipline, and like many STEM fields mine has substantially fewer women than men. Like every STEM professor that I know, I want my talented female students to have fair chances at advancing in the field. I’ve served on (and chaired!) hiring committees that produced “short lists” of finalists that were 50 percent women, I’ve recommended the hiring of female job applicants, I’ve written strong reference letters for female job applicants and tenure candidates, and I’ve published peer-reviewed journal articles with female student co-authors. At the same time, I’ve become increasingly frustrated by the official narratives promulgated about gender inequities in my profession arising from our unconscious biases. These narratives are, at best, awkward fits to the evidence, and sit in stark contradiction to first-hand observations. My field is smaller than many other STEM ?
AUSTIN -- New money for schools. Raises for teachers. Cuts to property tax rates.The Legislature largely delivered on its top priorities in what...

Why They Hate Trump So Much

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

RUSH: All he did was run for president, get elected, he said he wanted to make America great again. Why is that controversial? You've gotta understand who these people are.
Earlier today the Israeli Defense Forces took out a building in Gaza that housed a Hamas intelligence office. The building was shared with the Associated Press and Hamas propaganda outlet
CNN+ is shutting down after its launching just three weeks ago, Variety Digital Editor Todd Spangler announced.